The Truth

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[A/N: I'm so sorry that I haven't updated! My brother gave me a ton of awesome ideas that would really help the story and I spent some time fixing the events so....yeah. Again, sorry for the delay. Enjoy!!]

[Nobody's POV]

Harry has exceeded in every lesson of every class.

Harry was able to do 4th year spells and he got along really well with almost animals shown to him. Of course, he did the best in potions, that being his favorite lesson. He has been trying to make his own potion for a few days but he says it always wrong.

Harry, was  walking towards Merlins office so he could practice his water powers. He has already mastered his fire and air powers. He's not really into the plant/earth element, but he still tried it. He wasn't that good but it was acceptable. 

He knocks on the door that he loved to see. It was a simple dark oak color but with gold trimming the outside and just looking at made him feel power surging through himself. He hears a of soft, strong voice say "come in."

[How the door looks like]

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[How the door looks like]

He hears all the founders taking amongst themselves, until he clears his throat.

"Oh, Harry! Sorry, yes come in!" 

Harry was motioned to sit down. He sits next to Salazar, who had just sat down.

Harry looks up, a confused look on his face.

"What's happening?"

"Well Harry you know how your turning 11 tomorrow?", Merlin said

Harry's face lights up.


"Well then, you know your going to Hogwarts and such?" 

"Yes?", getting confused again.

Salazar rolled his eyes and said,"Your confusing the boy!"

Harry slightly looks towards Salazar awaiting his answer.

"Harry before you were brought here your family left you on a doorstep so you get taken care of by muggles!", Salazar said in disgust    

Harry shocked by the information said nothing which gave Salazar the chance to start talking again.

"Your family, are called the Potters they are really famous because their daughter, and your sister, 'defeated' the Dark Lord."

"That's not true!!",  Harry burst out.

"We know Snaklet," Salazar said in a calming voice, that he only used on Harry.(Not A Ship!) 

Harry crosses his arms, and nods his head, telling Salazar he can continue.

"Your parents put you on the muggles doorstep thinking you would be a problem just because they had to focus on 'Girl-Who-Lived'.", Salazar finishes

"Okay....why am I learning this."

"Because", Rowena picks up," On your 11th birthday your parents are going to pick you up from the muggles to, supposedly, teach you about the Wizarding World."

Harry furrowed his eyebrows and said,"They didn't bother to check once if I was even at the muggles place? Thats outrageous, honestly, who do they think they are." Harry exclaimed as his voice got louder and his magic lashes out. 

"The Potters", Grodric said sarcastly.

Harry smiled a bit at Grodric's remark, calming his magic down a bit, was still tense 

He then says,"When am I going back?"

"On your...birthday.", Merlin says hesitantly.

Harry's magic lashes out again making Salazar stand up and try to soothe him down.

"So I'm not going to celebrate my birthday with you guys!!"

"Snaklet, calm down! No you are not that's why we are celebrating your birthday a day before it is even your birthday, and before your departure we will be giving you your gifts.", Salazar said while standing up and sitting beside Harry.

"Well that's fine, I guess...", Harry said slumping down, then imminently coming back up, sitting straight. Since he grew up with mostly Salazar, he knew how to act professional.

A few minutes of silence and Harry thinking about his whole family, Salazar said,"If we are done here I'm taking Harry because he has a new potion to show me."

Harry face lights up again and he quickly gets out of his seat and hurriedly says bye to Merlin and the other founders.

[A/N: Again so sorry this is delayed this was actually supposed to come out yesterday(Nov 6 2020) but this is fine I guess. And thank you for the many readers.Anyways hope you liked!!]

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Bye Randoms~😜

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