The Four Founders

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(A/N: Nothing serious is going to be happening in this chapter. Just some PotterBashing, but enjoy)

 (Harry's POV)

I hear voices from as I slowly wake up. I scoot closer to the edge of my crib to get hear more clearly.

"What we can't give him to my sister!! She hates our kind!", came the voice of my mother.

"Queit, Lily the children are sleeping", said my father's voice, " and I agree with Dumbledore he must have a small magic core if he passed out just because the Dark Lord came in the room."

"Yes, Lily. For the greater good, we must give Harry to your sister. Wouldn't be better for your child to grow up normally. And you will not have time for him with all the fame Elliot going to be receiving.", came the sickening voice of Dumbledore.

"O-okay, for the greater good.", Lily said giving in.     

A few seconds after that conversation I feel myself get lifted up into the arms of my mother and I immediately close my eyes and pretend to sleep. I get a weird feeling as we apperate away. Once we land, I smell this horrid smell knowing it's coming from Dumbledore. It was like burning food and he had an unwelcoming aura and I would've started coughing, but knowing that I needed to keep the act up I stay quiet. 

I hear my mother's quiet sods as Dumbledore says,"For the greater good" as he lifts me from my mothers arms. I squirm not wanting to be in his arms. He hurriedly makes his way in front of a door and leaves me on the footsteps. I hear the soft popping of them apperating away and I take this chance to get some rest....

(Nobody's POV)

A dark figure slowly makes its way towards the sleeping boy. The figure looks at the sleeping child thinking, Nasty Potters! Leaving their son for fame. Fame! The figure quickly apperates away landing in a meadow with a castle standing proudly. You could see the rising sun radiance it's beauty.

The figure then enters the great castle and is welcomed by the sound of tea and some scents of flowers going around

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The figure then enters the great castle and is welcomed by the sound of tea and some scents of flowers going around. The figure walks into a dinning hall with the Hogwarts houses hanging from huge banners and 4 people talking about who knows what. 

"Meriln!", said the lady wearing yellow robes with a bit of black complementing her look and brown hair put in to a braid  known as, Helga Hufflepuff. 

"Well, what do we oh the pleasure of you being here!", a jolly man with red and gold trimmed robes with hair that was shoulders length and a beard that has been recently trimmed said. Also known as, Grodric Gryffindor.

"Hello, Merlin. Fine trip, I hope?", asked a lady with long black hair with blue and white robes known as, Rowena  Ravenclaw

And a man with green and black robes with black hair with a few specks of gray(which Godric teased about)had and expressionless face and said nothing. Known as, Salazar Slytherin 

"It was alright, Rowenea. But I have found this child.", Merlin said." His mother and father left him so they couuld focus more on their other child". He continued fighting the urge not to destroy something then and there.

Helga slightly gasps as the magic around them tenses while the founders keep their outburst to themselves.

"W-well, we could keep the child", Helga states.

"That was idea", Merlin said

The founders silently agree. Surprisingly so did Salazar.

The founders look at Harry as he starts to stir in his sleep. He slowly opens his eyes and the founders gasp as the look at his vibrant green eyes. They can feel the power wafting in the air that wasn't there before because he was sleeping. And since he defeated the Dark Lord he had more of a dark aura, bit the founders didn't care and Salazar took a interest in him by slightly dropping his mask to show how surprised he was. Not that any one saw. 

(A/N: Thank you pookiedragonfire for voting. Your amazing....and thank you for the many other votes..)

Bye Randoms~😜 

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