Meeting The Potters (kinda)

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[Hello, Randoms! Sorry, that every story I post comes out late. A lot of stress has been put on me, not from you guys!!! Also idk if you guys noticed, but i changed the name to the some of the previous chapter, cause I did not want to write a fourth part to the story. So I seaperated them! And Thank y'all a bunch for the many reads. Enjoy~]


(Harry's POV)

Woah cool 

I lift the scythe in my hands and give it a quick swing. It makes a steak of green light.

"Okay, Hadrian, you might want to put that away.", Merlin said.

I forgot he was here.

"How do I do that?"

"Just think that it's not in you hands and it will disappear, but it will appear when you call for it."

Ragga explains.

I do as he says and feel my fingers hurting. Oh yeah my rings...

"Can the rings disappear, as well?"

"Oh yes, here..."

He gets a silver string and hands it to me.

"Put the rings on the string, then put around you back and do the exact same thing you did for the scythe."

Ragga said as he calls for a goblin. I put the string around my neck and will it to dissapear, which works.

"Okay, so Griphook here is going to lead you to your vaults. Merlin are you going to tag along?"  

"No thanks, I will be here and will meet you at the entrance. We're going to do some shopping so you don't get the wrong things with"    

Merlin states, I give him a nod and follow Griphook. We walk through a passage way and reach a mining cart. Rowena taught me this during a bonus lesson of muggle studies. Griphook, in gobbledygook, tells me to get in. Ragga probably told him I speak their language. We ride through really rough tracks and some sharp turns, then stop a 687.

That's Merlin vault...

I get out of the cart and walk up to the door, making the Ermys ring appear. I press the ring towards the door, which was really dusty, but looked silver.

The door opens and what i saw in there made my jaw drop.

There was Galleons on top of Galleons, many sickles and kunts. There was also many jems and jewelry. Wow, and imagine what's in the others vaults. I take a few (handful of) Galleons and get back in the cart. By the time we were done I was amazed with how rich I was. I was, being told by Ragga, the richest person ever! EVER! In Rowena's vault there was many charming books, and of course, tons of Galleons. In Godric's there was some more weapons, which were technically mine, and...yep you guessed it...more Galleons!! Helga's vault was like a basic healing section. It had tons of healing books and some jems. She didn't have that much Galleons, but still more than average witch. Sals vault was my favorite. He had many dark arts books, which I gladly took, and he had some wands that I thought were pretty cool.

There was one with dark pine wood, two phoenix feathers, and a drop of snake venom. And in the darkness of the vault you could see it glowing.

 And in the darkness of the vault you could see it glowing

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