The Twins

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Hey Randoms I'm back, sorry for the long break!! School was crazy then a trip, ughhh. Anyways, I am soooo happy for all the votes and reads. I never thought this story would grow so much!!! Thank you and I hope you......Enjoy!!!

*3rd Person POV*

Hadrian walked towards Dumblebithches offices, going in and looking around before stopping in front of his desk.



"Hadrian you are causing problems already and school has just started, this is why I have put in the paper that slytherins are not allowed to bring snakes."

Hadrian rolls his eyes and says, "No we weren't allowed to bring poisonous snakes to school and Asmodeus isn't poisonous."

Dumbledore looks offended for a while before containing himself and going back to telling off Hadrian.

"Well then....leave it in your dorm room while meal times are in session. We don't want any more distractions now, do we?"

Hadrian glares at Dumbledore for calling Asmodeus an 'It', but nods his head and walks out his office. He starts towards his dorm, sleep sounding like a good thing to do right about now. Once he reaches the painting, he opens it with parsel and goes inside, quickly noticing Draco, Blaise and Theo sitting near the fireplace.

"Hello," Hadrian says lazily before taking the empty seat next to Blaise.

Three 'hey's fill the room before quiet is heard again. Hadrian looks at what they are doing and sees that Draco is helping Theo finish up his Herbology homework and Blaise is watching, drifting off a few times before turning to Hadrian and asking, "How'd the talk with our dear old headmaster go?"

Hadrian leans back into the seat before saying, "Nothing much, just him 'reminding me of the Hogwarts' rules."

Theo and Draco look up from their work and tilt their heads slightly. "Really?," Theo asks, "and what did he tell you?"

Harry rolls his eyes before saying,"He told me that Slytheirns aren't allowed to bring snakes. Which is so dumb because its like he didn't even read the rule book of Hogwarts." He rants on before Draco quiets him down.

"How 'bout we all get some sleep, hmm?"

Hadrian sighs as they all nod their heads and start putting everything up. They go up to their rooms and change into their PJ's.Hadrian's the only one who stays awake.

Hadrian only managed to get a few hours of sleep and was in a very grumpy mood during breakfast and everyone noticed.

"Hades," Draco says, calling him by the nickname given to him among the group."Are you okay? You seem a bit...out of it today." Hadrian looks up a bit and sighs."Sorry I didn't get much sleep last night but lucky for you guys I've been thinking about a way to tell you my....secret without you guys getting too exaggerated."

Sounds of approval go around the group and Hadrian smiles. As the talking between all of them seems to pick up again Hadrian notices his twin mates leave the Hall. He decides that this would be a great opportunity to finally talk to them.

He gets up, following them as they turn the hall before he sees them go into the restroom.

Well this makes things a bit more fun, Hadrian thinks as he puts a quick invisibility spell on himself and walks in.

The twins seem to be talking to themselves as they try to fix their hair in the mirror. Hadrian gets closer to hear what they're talking about."Do you think he's noticed us, Georgy?" Fred says a bit quietly, almost self consciously.George whimpers a bit."I don't know but, he might not like us. He's barely talking with us."Hadrian listens intently. Surely they aren't talking about him.

Fred put his hands down, thinking before he perked up,"Maybe we should make him jealous!"George gasps at that,"What? No we can't do that! What if he thinks we don't like him?" Fred sighs as George starts whimpering again."I wanna be with him so bad..."George says quietly but the words still echo in the room."Me too" Fred sighs as both start tearing up a bit.

Hadrian silently gasped. He had been so stupid of course their worried if he still likes them, he had been so obsessed with his plan to get back a Dumbledore he wasn't giving his mates and ounce of attention. Taking the spell off he steps forward letting some of his scent out and waiting for their reaction.

The twins both seemed to immediately smell his scent cause they started looking around frantically. Once they spotted him, tears started to fall more rapidly making Hadrian quickly go to them and calm them down.

"Oh, I'm sorry my lovelies" He says as he rubs their tears away making them whine and whimper over the contact they were getting."Are you guys okay?" Hadrian questions desperately trying to find ways to make them feel better. When he noticed that both went quiet and wouldn't look at him, he got worried. Oh, please don't tell me they're mad. Hadrian lightly tilts their faces so that they are looking at him. The twins' eyes are still tear stained but hold sadness and betrayal which makes Hadrian's heart pang with guilt. Hadrian sighs before he grabs a hold of their hands and leads them out of the restroom. The twins try to get out of his grip which pains Hadrian even more. They were definitely mad.

The three make their way to the Slytherin dorm and Hadrian opens it up with parsle at an attempt to get a reaction from his twins, getting nothing he leads the twins into his room. Letting go of their hands, they quickly go to Hadrian's bed where his scent is very strong. Realizing what they're doing they both are quickly about to get down but Hadrian quickly says,"Wait, please stay for a bit." The twins look at each other. Sure they were mad but they weren't going to turn down an opportunity where they get to spend time with their dom. They exchanged glances and both sat down, making their feet hang off the bed as they took their shoes off. Hadrian takes his own shoes and robe off as well, before going in between the twins who seem to instantly start cuddling with him.

Hadrian laughs and quietly starts,"I'm sorry my lovelies. I'm sorry I've been ignoring you. Didn't mean to." He gives them both a peck on the cheek before moving George beside him so they could all cuddle more. A whine comes out of both of them, making Hadrian groan."I'll spend more time with you guys and I'll spoil with everything you could ever want" he says as he gives Fred a full on kiss before giving one to George, to which they both whimper. They are so cute! How could I have ever ignored them?!

Hadrian is brought out of his thoughts when he hears George's voice,"Daddy still loves us, right?" Hadrian's whole world slows down as George says that. He clears his throat."Of course I do! Why would you ask. You guys are so fucking cute." He adds in head, I would rail you both right here if it weren't for the fact that we have class in about half an hour.

Both the twins flush at the statement. "And, for now, please just call me Hadrian. If you keep calling me that, I don't think I'd be able to contain myself..." Hadrian adds, whispering the last part to himself. The twins pout at the first part but quickly start turning red as they hear the last part the Hadrian seemingly didn't know.

After a few more minutes of cuddling Hadrian decides that they should get ready to go. Getting back into their shoes, Hadrian grabs the twins out of the room and gives them a quick kiss as they separate. "See you later, loves.." Both twins smile and turn around going to their classes. Hadrian sighs and makes his way toward his own.

Im not dead!!!! Sorry it took me so long I think this ones a bit longer I'll try to update later this week but no promises I hope you enjoyed and..

Bye Randoms~😜

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