Friend Group Pt.1

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[Hello, Randoms!! Guess what......double update!!! And thank y'all so much for the many reads now my new goal is to get 1000 votes, which I hope you guys can help me get...Thank You!!! ENJOY~]

(Hadrian's POV)

He wants me to go where?

With that name, who the hell would want to go there! I hesitate but decide to go anyway because...well I don't know, I was bored!!..

He opens up a doorway and from what I can see, there was a big plain of land and ghost roaming around. Death walks through and I follow after, giving my surroundings a better look. There wasn't much but hey it was hell..

Death walks in another direction  and I follow after, not wanting to get lost. As we walk farther I notice we were coming up to a a building which looked like a courtroom. we walk in the courtroom building and I slightly gasp. For Hell this place was beautiful..There was many lanterns that floated around, adding a bit of light to the dark room, which gave it a nice and somewhat comforting effect. Everything was very organized and neat, hmmm, I liked that. After I inspect the room I look back towards Death who was now talking to a woman who looked to be radiating literal light and was wearing a white linen dress and had her long auburn hair braided with flowers and clips.

I hesitate to walk over, because it was impolite to interrupt adults when talking, so I keep my distance sitting one many chairs nearby. After a few minutes, I feel a bright light and indistinctly open my eyes regretting it immediately. I was hit with a bright light and I close my eyes quickly, I then hear a,

"Stop that! Your going to blind him!"

Then I hear woman's laugh and an angelic voice,

"You can open your eyes now.."

I slowly open my eyes and see the woman from earlier and Death, looking annoyed at the woman in front of him. She holds out her hand.

"Hey, sweetie! My names Life, Deaths sister. Obviously...Anyways Iv'e been so excited to meet you!!"

She says a bit to quickly. I nod and introduce my self.

"I'm Hadrian (sadly) Potter"

I say mumbling the sadly part, but she must of heard cause she laughs.

"Your funny! And your Deaths master!"

She said while looking between me and Death. I then ask,

"Why are we here exactly.."

Deaths face, or what he has of it lights up, making me wonder if death had a human like persona-

"Well, for one you have to accept me and I have to accept you so we can bound through life and Death, If I chose to let you survive-"

"Hold up, what?"

Death looks at me. "Well you are my master so I can't really do anything without your permission and I need a master, more people are dying and since I cant go to the over-world without one I can't see whose causing all these deaths..."

I open my mouth to say something.

"And I need someone to help me with paperwork"

I sigh, giving in. How hard could this be and I really need to get back, I have to finish packing all my necessitates. We were leaving tomorrow...

Death hands me a quill and put a piece o parchment in front of me, not rushing me but was getting impatient. I read the paper looking at all the things that were needed for me to do. It was honestly really simple, so I sign it and I them I hear a squeal.

"My baby brother has a master!!"

Death cringes at the word 'little' and glares at her.

"We're twins."

She rolls her eyes. "I'm still older"

They start bickering and I searched for a way to go back and I remember what Death did to get here. Putting my hands up, I trace a door and will it to go back to the overworld. When I open my eyes I see a doorway back and then another loud squeal. I turn around seeing Life jumping and Death staring at me a bit shocked and proud. I smile and wave bye, going through...

 I smile and wave bye, going through

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(Nobody's POV)

[He is about to leave to the Hogwarts Train]

Hadrian puts his last cloak on one of the racks in his trunk and then closes it, summoning a mouse for Asmodues to catch. He wanted him to eat before the left. Hadrian hears the Potters floo out and he sighs shrinking his stuff and putting it in his pocket, before apperating to 9 3/4. Hadrian sees the Potters and the Weasleys. He quickly gets on the train, not wanting to get seen.

(Hadrian's POV)

I make my way to the back of the train and open an empty compartment, getting in and sitting down. I sigh and decide to close my eyes, resting them. After a few minutes, I hear the compartment door open and a gasp. I open my eyes, about to tell whoever came in to get out, but then I see a blonde-haired boy staring at me wondering if I was real or not. Knowing immediately knowing who was looking at me.


I question. He quickly nods and I smile.

"Hi Draco.."

"Hi Hadrian." He say composing himself before looking back to some people I didn't realize were there before. He comes in and points to the people that were behind him, introducing them.

"These are my friends, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkison and Theodore Nott. "

He points to a tall guy who was Blaise and a girl with a chubby face who must be Pansy and Theodore who was a slightly muscled boy. I nod at the introduction.

"I'm Hadrian..Potter"

They look taken aback and quickly look at Draco who was slightly smiling. Pansy indistinctly goes to Draco whispering something in his ear making in him frown, and with my hearing I hear exactly what she says.

"Sad of you to think I'm like those brats, Parkison..."

She gasps and goes back to her original spot where Blaise then says

"Why are is this Potter here."

I look at him, probably glaring cause he cringes back a bit.

"I don't consider the 'Potters' as my family."

I say nonchalantly, confusing everyone which then I tell them to sit.

"So," Theo says breaking the silence "Should we learn more about each other?"

We agree and Blaise opens his mouth to say something but gets interrupted by the opening of the compartment door. We all look over.

 A girl with purple hair and pointed ears stands there.


[How was that!! I'm putting an oc into the story so that's who the girl is, but don't worry she plays an Important part and so I hope you liked it and thank you AkiraTheVamire!!]

Bye Randoms~😜

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