Diagon Alley

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[Hello, Randoms!! The last one was a bit of a teaser so.....yeah. Anyways enjoy this one. Not a lot of pictures but a ton of description. Also I changed the cover! Is it good? Enjoy~] 

(Hadrian's POV)

Lily and James Potter....

Oh, how much I wanted to see their faces! (Sarcasm Noted!)

They gasp once they see me and I give them a blank stare.

What! You thought I was going to be all 'lovey dovey'? Well no, I'm not.

I walk past the disgusted pig and horse, and go up to my just wonderful parents.

"Harry? Is that you?", Lily says spectily. There was no way I was calling her Mom.

Yeah, who else?

Keeping the sarcasm to my self I answer,


She looked like she was about to burst in tears, but kept her composer.

"Well, let's get going. Eli is waiting at Gringotts,so lets get going.", Said a very impatient voice.

James Potter.

Of course, he wants to see his precious daughter.

I nod and walk outside, once I'm out I hear the door shut.

I look towards my parents, knowing that we were going to appearate.

Lily then says,

"We are going to do something called appearating. This should be safe, so can you grab on my arm. This might feel a bit weird.

Its not that safe, you could splinch yourself. Which is, a very painful process.

I give some trust and grab on to her arm.

I would be fully capable of doing this by myself, but Merlin said I had to lay low, which supposedly meant to not drag attention to myself.

Anyways, we appearated in Diagon Ally.

I let go of Lily's arm and follow behind them.

As we make are way to Gringotts, I notice a group of blondes. They look like a really powerful family.

I think back to my lessons with Rowena. She taught me about some popular families that are still here today. 

Blond hair, blonde hair.....ah! The Malfoys!

I've always liked the Malfoys, they were a well-respected family, but apparently the Potters have  bad relationship with them.

I was to busy thinking I didn't know we were right in front of Gringotts. That was until, my senses sensed that Lily and James stopped moving.

I look up and pretend to be surprised with what I was seeing.

As we were walking in I see Griphook coming towards us. I send him a quick telepathy message saying,

'Pretend you don't know me. Spread that message to others.'

He slightly nods, as to not drag attention to himself and spreads the message.

I feel the message get spread and the goblins  acting like the didn't know I was there.

I look back to Lily and James and see them walking towards a kid.

Hmm..that must be Elliot.

I think as I walk towards her.

As I get closer I see her a bit better.

She was decent but looked very spoiled.

She had long curled hair, which honestly looked good, but her muddy eyes ruined the picture.

She had long curled hair, which honestly looked good, but her muddy eyes ruined the picture

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(I honestly find this girl adorable, but just imagine she is spoiled)

I insect him a bit more and then look away, waiting to get introduced.


James yells, waving her over.

Elliot looks up and runs into James's arms.

Wow looks decent but does not act like any half-blood should.

I take a step back, surprised at her antics.

Once she's out of James arms, she looks towards me.

I smile. I have to be polite, no matter how bratty she looks.

She frowns and then says

"Daddy? Who is this?"

"This is your....brother."

He answers, sounding very unenthusiastic about it.

Why did it take him so long to say 'brother'.

 I put my blank face back on and just stare at her.

She doesn't say anything and just looks back towards her mother and father, telling them about some people named 'Ron, Hermione and Ginny'.

Of course, he's a f*ing brat.


I get pulled out of my thoughts and I look towards who called me.



"We are going to visit our vault. You can take some money."

I nod, not like I need the money anyway.

(Quick time skip, There out of Gringotts and going to get their wands. Sorry, very lazy...)

We walk up to this place called 'Ollivanders'. The one in Knockturn Alley is better, and I know that cause Merlin allowed me to go to get a few dark art books.

I just stay in the back waiting for my dear sister to hurry up.

Then, finally it's my turn.

"Ah, Hadrian Potter..."

[Sorry for the horrible ending, we are going on a trip to Indiana! We're going to be meeting family over there, so I won't be posting much, but enjoy your Thanksgiving and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Hope you saw the changes. If your rereading.]

Bye Randoms~ 😜

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