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This is really long so brace yourselves and I'm sooo sorry it's taking me long to update. Life is crazy y'know. And thank you guys sooo much 600+ votes I'm so happy, thank you for the reads as well. When I started I thought I was going to be that one book that never gets read, but thank y'all so much!

I get back to my dorm around 10. What when you get separated from your godfather and then you find them what do you expect me to do? Anyways, I go up to the Slytherin entrance painting. Oh shit, I don't know the password......ughI stay there looking at the painting for sometime before deciding I should just will it to open up for me, seeing that it has worked for everything else that has happened. Using all my will power I try to open the painting door. Doesn't work..... I look at the painting again. What would Salaza-Parsletounge!Of course, I look at the door again."Open"The door opens up and I smile for my accomplishment. I walk in and see the lights were dimly lit and there was no one in site. I look around. The room being filled with emerald and black colors. There was also a bit of paintings that also seemed to be sleeping. I walk up the stairs that were on the right side of the room and went up.Tomson, Alastor, Gregory......Potter!I walk in and see Draco, Theo and Blaise putting their stuff away. They all look up, and Draco's eyes widen."Hadrian! Where were you?""Talking with some old...friends?"They didn't take the bait, but let it slide."Uh huh....Anyways how'd you get in? Isn't there a password?"Theo asks, breaking the uncertainty in the air."Well, Parseltongue."I sat, as if it is the most obvious thing in the world, but I guess to me it is. I look up at their faces. Why do they seem so su-Oh yeah, they don't know I have parseltongue!"What?"I give a nervous smile."Yeah...parseltongue."I get my trunk and open it, Asmodeus comes down from my arm and slithers himself around my bed frame. I put a heating charm and stare back at the confused boys."My god, Hadrian is there anything you don't have.", Draco says breathlesslyI laugh."I don't know. I haven't been in the wizarding world long enough to figure that out"Draco gives me a look."Hadrian, cut the crap,"I look at him, not menacing just wanting him to tell me what's on his mind."I've seen you do complete wandless magic and I'm not that stupid to not feel your aura, which is by the way, really strong. You, Hadrian Potter, were not raised by muggles."I smile."Good job, Dray!"Theo and Blaise look surprised and confused."You can do wandless magic?""You were raised by muggles?"They both say at the same time."Well, I obviously wasn't raised by the Potters, or I would be a complete pain and probably be in Gryffindor", I say, thinking if I should get the cage out or just leave Asmodeus on my bed frame."And," I raise my hand bringing the robe that was in Theo's hands towards me, and folding in neatly with a swish of my hand. "I can do wandless magic."The boys look at me awestruck.""Snap out of it, will you. I'll explain the rest tomorrow with everyone here."They nod and say quick good nights. I quickly put the rest of my things away and lay down for the next day.I woke up hours ago. I don't know why I just can't sleep. It was already morning so I decided to get ready. I let Asmodeus sleep for a bit as I put on my clothes, which consist of normal Slytherin attire, plus my clock. I wake up Asmodeus and apparate a mouse for him to chase as a morning snack.Now how am I going to wake these people up, I think.I smile and....SPLASH!!I quickly run out of the room and hear yells as I reach the painting.I walk down the corridors and take in the peace and quiet of Hogwarts. Ever since I left the founder's house, (err, castle?) things have been a lot more rowdy. After a few minutes of walking I reach the great hall, which already has some students sitting down. I sit at the very end, so when everyone else comes in dumblebitch won't be able to make eye contact with me.A few moments of reading later, the Great Hall starts to get louder, I look up and see people entering in their small groups and going to their tables. Amongst the crowd I see three fuming boys talking to each other and have their hair slightly wet.I smile as they come closer."Did you guys have a shower?"Blaise looks at me."Our beds are wet!""I had to wake you up somehow.""A nudge would've been just fine."Theo fumes."Fine, I'll do that next time...", I say, trailing my sentence so they become weary of what happens.A look of worry passes their face, but their blank faces come back and sit down. Draco beside me and Blaise and Theo in front of me.The girls came a few minutes later."-And then he just asked me-""Morning, Pans,"I say."Hey guys."They both say as they sit down. Ivy next to me and Pansy sitting beside Theo.We chat for a little while, before Dumblebitch calls for our attention."Welcome to your official day at Hogwarts!....."He then goes into a whole speech about school boundaries, not going into the Forest at night(Like I would do that >:) )"-And please do not go to the third floor 2nd door."Now that caught my attention. Also that's stupid, if you don't want someone to do that then don't say anything....I looked at Draco and see his face, he seemed annoyed, I'll talk to him later."Anyway,(Words of wisdom)"Food shows up on the tables and chatter comes up in the Great Hall, while house leaders come around with schedules. Snape comes round and gives us our schedules, he gives me stare and I stare right back. His eyes seem to be hidden and tired, I stare deeper and he quickly gets out of his trance-like state, handing me my schedule and walking away. This place is becoming very strange."Okay Hadrian, spill it."Theo says after a few moments of talking about quidditch.I look at him, giving him a mischievous stare."I don't know what you're talking about"Ivy looks between us."What happened?""Hadrian needs to tell us who he wa-""Nothing" I say, putting a silencing spell on him."Be quiet for now I'll tell you when it's......less rowdy.They all nod and I take the silencing charm off Theo just as I do that a scream rips through the Hall."SNAKE!!"I don't care for a few moments, but then remember....Asmodeus!I quickly call him through my mind, I hear a hiss and see many people screech and put their legs up as Asmodeus ventures under the tables.Asmodeus climbs up my arm and slithers himself around my neck, I sit back down and people stare at me. I give them all glares."Problem?"I ask and they all quickly look back to their plates and conversation starts up again. I sigh and talk to Asmodeus through our mind link.'Why would you go to the Gryffonder table?''I found another mouse and started chasing it. But you aren't mad are you?''No not that much, but now Dumblebitch is going to his office again and might say you're too dangerous.''Oh no I'm sorry. I hope I didn't cause too much trouble.''Don't worry. I'll work it out.'"Hadrian!"My eyes quickly open and I see Aeternum staring at me."Sorry I was talking to Asmodeus." I say giving him a piece of bacon before passing him to Ivy."You can talk to snakes?"She asks."Yeah, he's parseltongue."Blaise explains. The girls gasp."Omg really!""That is so cool."I give a small smile.Once breakfast is over, I quickly walk out trying not to get seen but....."Hadrian! You're wanted in Dumbledore's office."I turn around quickly wanting to grab something... Oh it's a hufflepuff, I smile as an apology, but quickly put my blank face on as I make my way towards Hell. Honestly, Hell is actually much better than this.

I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to make things interesting but I hope the next one is better. And I hope you enjoyed. Also thank you for your tips and comments. I read most of them today and yesterday so thank y'all so much!!! Stay safe and have a good day/afternoon/night!!Bye Randoms~😜

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