Hogwarts and Sorting

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[Good Morning, early birds the only reason I'm saying this is because its like 9 so...Enjoy!! ]


(Hadrian's POV)

I hear hissing...I open my eyes slightly. I see a yellow snake eyes. Asmodeus!, I think as I open my eyes fully. I then see Ivy staring at Asmodeus. I smile a bit before hearing Asmodeus hiss.

~We're almost to the school, master~

~Thank you, Asmodeus. Do you want to rest or will you stay awake?~

I ask. He tells me that he will stay awake and I nod telling the group to get up and that we were almost there. A few minutes later, we were all up and in our robes. We just chat and wait for the train ride to end. I just realize that when I get called all eyes would be on me. I've always hated attention and the fact that I was raised in the middle of nowhere encouraged the attention hating. And then that gets me to wonder..

"Hey guys? Do you know anyone named Sirius Black and Remus Lupin?"

I ask. Row told me that those two were my godfathers and enraged when they found out that the Potters did.

"Yes," Draco says with Pansy and Blaise nodding. "They're the DaDA teachers"(Defense and Dark Arts) 

I silently gasp and nod.

"Why?", Theo asks.

"No reason", I say. I was going to continue by saying something but I then hear a screech and then someone yelling,

"'firs years 'firs years over here!!"

We all look towards each other before getting out, me being the first with Draco behind and the rest following behind. We walk down the steps of the train and I see a giant-wait no a half giant. A real giant is a lot more bigger. 

"Four to a boat, please"

I look over to the owner of the voice ad see a woman with a very tight bun standing to a man I know very well...Albus Dumblebitch.

I look at the group seeing how only four us can go on a boat leaves two of us out.(Omg..Math am I right...😏) 

"It's okay" Ivy says "Me and Pansy can go with the girls."

I nod and we get into a boat, while the girls look for an empty one. The half-giant gets in a boat and then the boats start moving. Everyone was amazed and I was as well. I liked how inviting Hogwarts felt, It honestly felt like the Founders Palace but a bit less homier. As we cross the lake animal of all kind jump out of the water, people were scared but me understanding them, they just came to say hi. I give them a small wave back and they look happy going back into the lake before jumping out. I give a small smile and see the actual school. Whoa it looks so majestic.

Once we are back at land, the group and I are led to big double doors and the lady with a tight bun tells us to stay there while she talks to the higher ups.

"You shouldn't be talking to these snakes!"

A bratty voice comes, I turn around and I'm faced with my dear sister. 

"I'm allowed to be with anyone I please, thank you very much"

I say, very annoyed. What? Was she supposed to decide what I do, who I talk to and when I do. I don't like being controlled. Then, one of Elliot's bratty friends says,

"Don't talk to the Girl-who-lived like that!!"

I roll my eyes. They kept talking trash and then they got bored so they left. That's your normal bully.. Anyways, I loo around seeing many faces that I don't know and some I do. I look around a bit more ans see the twins. We make eye contact and I wink at them making them blush and look away.

"Okay" The tight bun woman says, grabbing everyone's attention. "My name is Professor McGonagall and you guys will walk in two straight single lines and stop at the stool. Got it?"

Many scattered 'yes's are heard and then we are in lines and Professor McGonagall tell us that when are names are called we go up and they will put a hat on our heads which will then tell us what house we are in. I nod and look up at the roof which was Row bewitched to represent the weather outside.

Names are called and I only snap out of my thoughts when my friend are called and so far most of them are in Slytherin. When they make it to the 'P' section I listen.

"Elliot Potter"

Whispers go around the Great Hall.

"Omg, Elliot!!

"I hope shes with us!!"

And so on. Elliot walks up likes she owns the place and sits down. After a few, boring, moments the hat calls

"Then it better be Gryffindor!"

Cheers erupt from the Gryffindor table then everything quiets down.

"Harry Potter"

 (Nobody's POV)

Murmurers of confusion spreads through the hall this time, and at the Staff table a certain few people take interest. Hadrian walks up with such grace any powerful witch or wizard would become jealous. Before taking a seat he states,

"It's Hadrian"

McGonagall nods and motions towards the stool. Raising an eyebrow Hadrian sits down, feeling the hat on his head.

'Oh!' the hat says 'You have mind blocks.'

Hadrian puts them down warily.

'You lived with the founders? This is going to be tricky. Any suggestion?'

'Pick any one that suits'

The hat thinks and looks through his mind a bit more before deciding.

"It better be..."


[Hello Randoms, hope you liked it!! Keep reading there is still more!1 Merry Christmas!!🎄]

Bye Randoms~😜🎄

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