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(Nobody's POV)

The Great Hall becomes silent as Hadrian gets up and goes to the spot that was open and next to Draco. Once he is seated murmurs go up before the sorting begins again. Hadrian takes this chance to look up at the Staff table . He first sees the half-giant who led them across the lake and then beside him is the Potters looking at him with disgust, well mostly James, Lily looked...disappointed? Anyways, beside them was a plump lady who kinda reminded harry of Helga. He sees an empty seat, which must've been McGonagall's seat and beside that chair, his oh so favorite, Dumblebitch...

Hadrian groans eternally, snapping out of his thoughts to see that Ivy was put into Slytherin. He claps before going back to staring at the teachers. He sees what appears to be a dwarf and a ghost, not questioning anything his eyes move forward. He gasps, a guy with black, and a bit wavy hair was sitting next to a guy with short brown hair. Knowing exactly who he was looking at he looks away, not wanting them to look over to him. He looks back up and looks at the greasy-haired man who was, apparently already looking at him. He stares back, making his green eyes glow a bit. The greasy-haired man backs down and looks away. He smiles at his accomplishment and then claps for the last few Slytherins.

~Small Time Skip~

After the sorting finished, Dumbledore gets up to say his speech.

"Nitwit, blubber, oddment, tweak!!" 

(Hadrian's POV)

I sigh, hating all the attention. I heard every gossip being thrown around.

'A Potter, In Slytherin'

'Omg, he's in Slytherin. I wonder what his family will think about him..'

I almost laugh at that one, they would be so mad. I ruined there precious reputation.

Getting annoyed with the stare I glare at the Slytherins, the ones who were looking at me become confused. I then ask, loudly enough for the Slytherin table to hear and grabbing the attention of some of the other tables.

"Do you like snakes?"

Some sniffle laughs while others nod. I smile at the reaction, Aeternum looks at me with 'What are you doing?' look. I laugh, feeling a few eyes of aw. Anyways, I urge Asmodeus to come out. First his head pops out, making everyone (at the Slytherin table) become silent. I urge him out further, and he comes out fully. He actually became a bit longer, but he slithers across the table. Many aw's and oh's come and I see him showing himself off. He must like attention.

I make a live mouse appear and Asmodeus, catching the scent quickly gets down. He chases the poor mouse for a few minutes before catching it right in front of the Gryffindor table. I almost burst out laughing at there reactions but keep it in. Many Slytherins seem to want to laugh as well. I see Ivy's longing look at the snake. I call Asmodeus over and he comes back. I give him to Ivy. She looks surprised but take him.

~Quick Time Skip (How's your day so far?)~

Right now the Slytherin Perfect is leading us to our dorm. The Perfect stops and looks directly at me. 

"Dumbledore request your presence."

Ugh, I was dreading this meeting-

"It's okay, I will lead your there."

She must of mistaken why I was dreading the meeting. She walk across the school and I follow behind absently. We stop in front of a big hawk, she whispers something and staircases appear. She jumps on one and I follow. She opens the door, and I thank her for bringing me to a conversation that I will absolutely hate. I didn't actually thank her for that. Anyways, I walk in and see...

Well, the Potters ,obviously, Professor McGongall, Severus Snape, My godfathers and the one and only Dumbledore. He thanks the Perfect and waves her away. I raise an eyebrow.

"Sit down."

Dumblebitch offers. I give small menacing smile.

"I plan to make this quick."

Most seemed shock while James was outright mad. 

"Your getting resorted." He says.

I frown. 

"I'd rather not, and I already have friends in my house, thank you."

James growls.

"You will, be getting a resorting. With this your going to bring our reputation down."

"That's really sad."

I say boringly. I hear a few chuckles and then silence.

"Now now there must be a better way to solve this-" Lily pipes in.

"Yes, by letting me stay in the house that I was sorted to. What you just got me back and now what are you doing! Controlling my life, no thank you."

I say, a bit loudly may I add.

"Don't talk to your mother like that." James growls

I roll my eyes, funny thing everyone is just watching like this is some type show. I look at Dumbledore.

"Why am I here?"

Dumbledore gets up and grabs the Sorting Hat. He quickly puts it on my head.

'Hello again.'

I say in my head

'Hello, should I put you in Slytherin again?'

'Ugh, yes please'


I smile and then frown.

"Are we done?"

Dumbledore nods slowly.

I roll my eyes and say quietly.

"What a waste of time."

I turn making my cloak swing, but I didn't care, I was mad. Before leaving I give my godfathers a quick smile.

This was going to be a long year.....

[Hello, hope that was good. Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!!🎄🎄🎆🎉]

Bye Randoms~😜

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