Gringotts Pt.2

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^The snakes earth and demon form.^(Totally original~😜) 

[Okay people, I have decided the name of the snake to be Asmodeus which was suggested by AkiraTheVampire! Thank you for the name I searched it up (Yes, I wanted to see its meaning) and it meant; the prince of demons or the king of earthly spirits , so I decided, Asmodeus, will be a very powerful demon kind of snake and he takes form of a earth snake since his he is a very big snake and he will also be Harry's familiar. And this might be a bit long so... Enjoy!]



(Harry's POV)

A snake!?!

Omg this is not real      

It lifts it's head and looks at me carefully.

This is so cool!

I look at the snake and say,


The snake looks surprised. (don't know how that's possible)

~Hello Speaker~

~Do you have a name~ 

I ask, I look up to Sal to see if he a gave the snake a name. He gives me a slight shake of his head, telling me to name him.

I look back towards the snake and look at it's features. It has black scales and a few white ones as well. This is hard.

I look towards Sal again.

"He is a half demon and half earth snake. He has a demon form, as well.", Sal explains

~Show him~, He said to the snake

I look towards the snake and it slither out of the box, onto my arms then goes down my legs onto the floor.

Sal tells us to go back and the founders and I scoot back a bit.

I look as the snake sheds and out pops a python head and sharp teeth. The snake keeps growing as a big dark green body comes out until it was almost touching the roof.

It was like as big as the first two floors of the castle and those were big.

Thank Merlin, that the dinning room is very big.

I look at the snake and slightly whisper,


The snake puts his head down and looks at me. Most people would be scared in this situation but the snakes eyes showed complete admiration.

He shrinks back to his earthly form and settles himself  around my arm.


The founders look at me confused.

"Asmodeus, that's his name. It was the Demon Prince's name and he was the king of earthly spirits."

I explain, looking at the snake wrapped around me

~Do you like the name~

The sn- Asmodeus nods his snake head. I smile and look towards the founder. Sal looked smug and I say in parsle

~Thank you~

The others look surprised and I give them all smiles.

The got their composure together and went back to the table.

More presents?, I think   

"Asmodeus's cage is in your room.", Sal said to me 

Then there was silence. Not the bad kind. Just the kind so you had time to take things in.

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