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[Hello, sorry this one came out late. Hope you enjoy it. Sorry there's not much to say.]

(Hadrian POV)

Who do those brats think they are?? Sure their Potters, but I'm one and I don't act like that. Trying to make me switch my hous-

Sorry, they get on my nerves a bit to much. Anyways I was walking towards the Slytherin Common room and I heard someone following me. I turn around, using my powers to stop the people who were following me. I hear a whine and my eyes widen.

The twins!

I quickly stop my movements and give a small smile to show that I wasn't going to hurt them. And the twins just stand there.

Fuck, my first interaction with them in the first day here and the're scared!!

I walk towards them and put their softly rub each of their cheeks(The ones on their face, for any perverted people out there!!!) and they look up. I see their pouty faces and their big brown eyes, and unlike Eliot they looked pretty. 

"Sorry, I was in a bad mood.."

I say and they immediately panic. Fuck, of course they would panic, they weren't there so they wouldn't know.

"But I'm fine now!"

I quickly add on and they calm down a bit. 

"Mr. Potter and Weasleys"

I look up seeing Professor Snape and my godfathers, who apparently go by Professor Lupin and Black.

"Why aren't you at your common rooms?"

Snape says giving the twins a look and the quickly apologize.

"Sorry Professor-"

"-we wanted to explore, a bit."

George finishes with a mischievous smirk, before grabbing his brothers hand and they go towards what I suppose to the Gryffindor common room. I look towards my Professors and give them a questioning look before turning around and walking towards the dungeons.

"Had- Mr. Potter, may we speak to you?"

I turn around and my face softens when I see that my godfather was the one who called and not Snape. I like him, but I wanted to see if my godfathers were independent enough to tell me that they were the ones talk to me.

I nod slightly and look at Snape wondering if he was coming or not. Mo- I mean Professor Lupin, I don't know if I should be calling them that even if it is in my thoughts.

Gives him a look and the nod of his head and Snape sighs.

"I want him back by 10 or 11"

He says, before walking away and seeing him turn the corner, I look to my godfathers.

"Okay, so might not remember us, but we ar-"

I quickly run up to them and give them a hug, not waiting for their statement. I may have a soft spots for some people.

"I know who you are..."

I say and they both melt into my hug. After a few minutes I let go of the hug and look back at them. Sirius eyes watered with wonder while Remus stared at me fondly.

"Your so big!!"

Remus says studying my face. I flush with pride, guess working out with Godric payed off, huh?

Sirius wipes some tears that have fell and looks at me.

"It's nice to see you...but your going to explain everything the muggles did and did not do."

Sirius saying the last part sternly. I nod and give them both a quick hug.

I knew the conversation would come up sooner or later.

Hello, sorry for the late chapter. I hope you had a happy Christmas and New year. School started and I have writers block so I will be posting smaller chapters, also we reached 300+ votes!! Thank you so much!!!

Bye Randoms~😜

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