Friend Group Pt.2

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[I don't know what to say sooo ENJOY!!!!!]

(Nobody's POV)

The group looks at the girl, Hadrian being the first speak.

"Hi, I'm Hadrian Potter and you are.."

Quickly realizing shes getting talked to  answers.

"I'm Ivy Suzuki."

Hadrian nods. He knows the history of the Suzuki family, they were the first Japanese witches and wizards ever. He glares at the group who immediately snap out of their faze and introduce themselves to the girl.

"Would you like to sit?"

Draco asks. Ivy quickly nodding, sitting down beside Pansy.

"Well this is great!" Pansy says giving Ivy a small nudge. "We can all introduce our selves now."

Ivy gives a small smile, glad that she can actually now make friends.

"I'll go first!" Pansy says excitedly. 

Everyone then goes around stating more about themselves, Hadrian looks out the window listening to everyone's story until he was asked.

"Why aren't you with your family?" Ivy asks. Hadrian slowly looks over to her before stating.

"They aren't my family"

"Why not?"

Hadrian sucks in his breath and decides since the told their story he would at least explain.

"They sent me to live with muggles so, the girl-who-lived can grow up with no distractions and clearly I was one." He explains coldly.

The group can feel the temperature drop. The group then stayed silent, their thought going very fast in their mind. The soon-to-be Slytherins always hated the Potters but this was way to far. Theo breaking the silence says,

"We can be a family.."

Hadrian looks up. The group nods liking the idea and look towards to Hadrian to see if he would except.

Seeing the pleading look in their eyes Hadrian slowly nods. The group smiles and Hadrian asks jokingly

"Do we need a name.."

The group taking it seriously think. Hadrian seeing that they took it seriously chuckles a bit, but lets them think. Blaise the suggests,

"What about the Aeternum."

Hadrian moves the word in his mouth, He knew the meaning but he wand to see if it sounded good.

He nods. "It sounds good."

Aeternum smiles and they decide that their friendship will last forever.

[Sorry It's short. The others will be longer, oh and also is 605 to much words or to little because my brother says it long, but I think long means 1000+ words so when I post something with 600- I think their short. give me your opinion!!]

Bye Randoms~😜

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