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The Potter family happily play unaware of the hooded figure stalking towards their home. The first noise that came was a big boom from the front door.

"Lily, he's here.", James says in a hushed voice,"Go take the twins upstairs."

"J-james!", Lily calls out as she watches her husband run towards the sound.

She sighs as she picks the confused twins up and, walks upstairs blocking herself and the twins inside the nursery room. Once the doors are blocked Elliot starts crying while Harry curiously looks around, eyes landing on his sister. Lily quickly shushed  her down trying not to make alot of noise but, unfourntunely the Dark Lord has already stung the Potter Lord and was now making his way upstairs. Lily hearing the deep steps of the Dark Lord quickly pulls both her children closer in her arms, protecting them with a minor shield spell.

Dark Lord makes his way down the hall and in front of the Nursery room. Casting a quick reducto making the door fly off. Lily rushes to the back of the room, putting the twins in one crib and covering it up, trying her best to hide them, but with Elliot bawling her eyes out it was hard to do so. The Dark Lord, stunning Lily on his way past, makes his way towards the to children. Elliot having her mother's red hair and muddy brown eyes while, Harry had his father's black hair and mother's eyes, slightly glowing in the darkness.

 Elliot having her mother's red hair and muddy brown eyes while, Harry had his father's black hair and mother's eyes, slightly glowing in the darkness

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This is Elliot's hair

This is Elliot's hair

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This is Harry's hair.(just hair, don't worry about eye color)

(just hair, don't worry about eye color)

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Their eyes(without the long eyelashes)

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Their eyes(without the long eyelashes)

Voldermort looks at them trying to decide which one is the child of the prophecy. He looks at both before deciding it was the one with green eyes. "Sorry, child", Voldermort whispers before shouting the killing curse, that unexpectedly went flying back to him making him tumble toward a wall. Pieces of celling fell scratching Elliots face making her cry more than she already was. Harry slowly hits the bed as he passes out his newly born scar burning.

A few minutes, after the attack Sirius and Remus apperated in the Potter Manor. Both of them rushing around trying to find their friend. Sirius then hears a strangled grunt and runs towards the sound.

"James! Jamie!! Get up!", Sirius yells, dropping to his knees to wake his friend up. James slightly waking up coughs a few times before yelling,


James runs upstairs into the broken down nursery. Looking around James finds his wife knocked out on the floor.

"Lily! Lily Flower!", James says shaking he softly. Lily groans. Opening her eyes and exclaiming, "The kids!"

Sirius and Remus, who were already by the crib, both pick up one child. Remus having Elliot and trying to calm her down. Sirius just rocking the sleeping Harry in his arms. Lily gets up and grabs Elliot calming her down.

"James, go call Dumbledore."

James quickly going downstairs to contact Dumbledore, who came a few minutes after being called.

"Well, Dumbledore who defeated the Dark Lord", Remus says, after a few minutes of silence.

Dumbledore, feeling their magical cores, then states

"Elliot Potter is the Girl Who Lived."

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