Wands, Malfoys and Mates

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[Hello, Randoms! Thank you for being patient while this was being written and thank you for the many reads~ I actually never thought this book would succeed so much, so thank you and I edited 'Diagon Alley' so if you want to see it now, please do!! I also have a new book, if you guys want to see....]


(Hadrian's POV)

"Ah, Hadrian Potter"

I look at him and walk forward.

"Are you left or right handed?"

"I can use both", I said as I put both of my arms so he can measure. He looks taken aback but lets his measuring tool measure my arms while he rummages around his store looking for my supposedly perfect wand.

After a few minutes, he comes back with few boxes. The measuring tools go back to their original place and, 'Ollivander' put a wand in my hand telling me to give it a wave.

I do as he said and a counter nearby explodes making everyone on jump.

"Definitely not..."

He said while taking the wand away and giving me another one. This kept happening for along time, then finally, one wand did my biding.

It was made out of oak wood and it has a phoenix feather as well as goblin magic. I look up and he tells me the exact same thing.

"12 Galleons, and good day Potters!"

I nod, while my stuck-up family is already out of the door. I walk out after them, following them to an ice-cream parlor. There was a family of red-heads and Elliot was walking straight towards them.

I roll my eyes. I did not want to interact with anyone.

As we walk closer, a strong flower scent clogs my nose. I look around trying to figure out where it was coming from, then....

Found it!

There was two red heads who looked identical, twins probably and they were whispering to each other while eating ice cream.

They looked so damn cute....

Omg, they could be my mates! I'm pretty sure that's what Helga said about mates...

I look towards Lily and James to see where they were. They were sitting down next to a red-head woman and man, then I'm being waved over by Lily. Probably, to introduce myself.

I walk up to the red-head lady and Lily introduces me.

"Molly, this is Harry-

"It's actually Hadrian."

I say. She stares at me and sighs repeating her self.

"This is Hadrian Potter, our eldest. Hadrian this is Molly Weasley-

And then I'm getting introduced to the whole family, but I only start listening when they get to the twins.

"-and these are the twins, Fred and George-"

"Mum! I'm George-"

"-and I'm Fred!"

They say, pouting a bit.


I think as their mom apologized. I then go to sit next to them, letting some of my scent out, since I keep it in.

The twins instantly smell it and look towards me acting a bit more submissive. I know what their doing, Helga said when submissive find their mate they act very submissive to get their dom to like them.

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