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Originally posted on December 31st, 2020

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Originally posted on December 31st, 2020.

Originally posted on December 31st, 2020

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Sitting on a wooden bench with the only light being a dim streetlamp hanging over me, I fiddle around with a ribbon, which should be holding together a gift box. Unfortunately, things don't seem to be going the way I want, and I reposition myself on the bench in hopes that it'll improve the situation. Expectedly, it doesn't do anything.

"God, why is this so difficult?" I mutter, unravelling the poorly-crafted bow and restarting. I take either end of the ribbon and make two bunny ears, looping one side through another, like how I was taught to tie my shoes as a child. I suddenly realize that this may be the reason why it doesn't look how it should.

"I give up," I sigh, accepting that my last attempt will be as good as it's going to get. Though I'm still disapproving of the way it looks, I place the gift box into its accompanying bag while I wait in the plaza.

The plaza is nearly empty, compared to the day that I visited it with Asahi. When I think back on that moment when we were both still new to each other, memories start to flow back to my mind. That moment when he bought the notebook I wanted behind my back, and how tentative he was putting his arm around me that afternoon.

The week of the Spring preliminary finals, when our relationship became official, I made a wish. I wanted to continue experiencing these feelings and occasions with all of my friends, new and old; I wanted these things with Asahi, especially. And yet, with the passing of two months, my wish is still coming true. Maybe his rule about keeping them secret wasn't for no good reason.

I hang my head back slightly while closing my eyes, dwelling in my memories. Suddenly, as if my thoughts are beginning to manifest things, I feel a figure brush past and sit next to me on the bench.

Opening my eyes hesitantly to look towards the left, they quickly widen once I realize who it is.

"Hi," Asahi smiles.

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