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"Hey, they're finally out!" Tanaka yells at Nishinoya, who is laid out like a starfish metres away from his counterpart on the ground.

"God took you guys long enough! I'm hungry and wanna go home!" Tanaka huffs, crossing his arms in front of him as Nishinoya sits up.

This begins to make me laugh, a reaction those two are usually good at getting from me.

"No one said you had to stay!" I call out to him from the top of the stairs.

"No, he wanted to stay!" Nishinoya calls out on behalf of his friend, who gives him a death stare for blowing his cover.

Asahi follows me from the club room, having got dressed and with all of his things.

"Okay, we're going home now! See you later, (Y/N)! And Asahi!" Tanaka calls out to us as he meets with Nishinoya and they start walking out towards the school gates.

"By the way, Suga went to take Anika home!" Nishinoya adds as they round the corner.

I wave to them until they're out of sight, then I turn around to face Asahi. He looks away quickly, shifting his feet across from me. I hang my head in pity for him, wondering why he reacts the same way as before, knowing our mutual feelings. Well, it should count for something that he was at least able to leave the room okay.

"You know, I'm not a brand new person," I assure him, and he performs a double-take before settling his gaze onto mine the second time. "I'm still me."

He only looks down once as if to collect his thoughts before giving me an embarrassed smile. "I know. I guess I'm still just nervous."

"That's okay," I say, reaching out for his arm. He almost looks shocked at the contact, but he tries to conceal it as he looks at me. It's a start.

The Walk Home「Azumane Asahi x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now