extra「the night together」

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content intro + other infothis extra was inspired by some reader input i received several timesthis extra occurs immediately following the ending of finn s f wjust a reminder that those involved are 18+ years of age— consenting adults— at the time...

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content intro + other info
this extra was inspired by some reader input i received several times
this extra occurs immediately following the ending of fin
n s f w
just a reminder that those involved are 18+ years of age— consenting adults— at the time of this extra.
keep this in mind as you decide whether or not this extra is appropriate for you to read.
if you are not at a suitable age, i wouldn't encourage reading further.

4497 words


"... (Y/N)? Are you asleep?"

"... Yes, I'm asleep."

"Ah, I see. Good night—"

"—Asahi, I'm very much awake."

I open my eyes to be met with darkness against Asahi's chest. As I prop myself up on the bed, the bright light above us is blinding enough that I scrunch up my face in response.

"I thought you might have been awake," Asahi says, taking the moment to slowly sit up against the bed frame.

"Yeah... I could have fallen asleep though, to be honest," I respond with a quiet laugh. "You're very warm."

Asahi lets out a similar laugh while rubbing at the back of his head. "If you'd like, I can turn off the light if you're tired? We can, um... get some rest now."

"Oh! That would be good," I nod, and quickly Asahi gets up.

He only needs to take a step to reach the light switch. I watch as his arm extends towards it, just to falter as his fingers touch the lever. It seems as if he is tentative to carry through, despite his offer to do so in the first place.

But Asahi manages to switch off the light eventually, and his footsteps are gentle on the carpet before a pause occurs. At some point, I feel his weight shifting slowly next to me on the mattress, and I can only think of one thing at this moment.

"Asahi, your jacket is still on, isn't it?" I ask, and he makes a surprised sound in response.

"Oh, right!" He exclaims, and in the darkness, I see his silhouette shuffle off his coat just to appear confused thereafter on where to put it.

"Let me help you!" I say, taking the coat from his hands without knowing what to do next. The darkness of the room does nothing to help, and instinctively I do what I would have done provided I was alone in my dorm.

"Sorry, I'll just— let me—" I stammer, crawling over the other side of the mattress to reach the night table where my reading lamp is. With the click of the switch, the immediate area is illuminated by warm, careful light.

As soon as things become perceivable, the first thing I notice are Asahi's eyes staring right into mine as I turn my head towards him. Only now, as we stare into each other's eyes and his cheeks are flushed red do I realize the precariousness of my motions.

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