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(y/n) im so MAD my mom told me to go home

i have to talk to you later instead



omg anika nooooooo

i don't know if i can be here by myself

i feel too weird here

I lock my phone. My heart pounds distinctly harder, but for the time being, I try to focus on watching the game. Fixating on the three boys I already know, I watch the game start.

As the game wraps up, I notice the opposing team getting ready to do some loser drills while Karasuno mingles with each other. Still watching from above and unsure of what to do next, I don't know if it's a wave of nervousness or gratefulness that hits me when I notice Sugawara gesturing for me to come down. I hesitate before heading down the stairs.

"Did you like the game, (Y/N)?" Sugawara says as he runs up to me, shifting his feet every so often. No matter how hard he tries to cover them up, I can't ignore all of the sets of eyes looking at me where his teammates are set up. However, I don't notice that two of these people start to approach us while answering him.

"It was really fun to watch! It's too bad I didn't get to see you play though." I smile with a hint of sadness in my tone.

"Yeah, it's too bad," he laughs quietly. "We're playing a few more practice matches today anyway, so you might get to see me in action soon."

Opening his mouth as if to say more, he's stopped by a hand slapping his back. Exclaiming in surprise, he looks to his left and right to see two boys settling on either side of him.

The Walk Home「Azumane Asahi x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now