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I look at myself in the mirror, trying to find any inconsistencies in my outfit. For good measure, I flatten my uniform with my hands. After taking a hairpin to my hair to control any strays, I take a deep breath and one last scan of myself before reaching for my backpack.

"Good morning," Mom says as I descend the stairs.

"Good morning," I smile, placing my hands on the back of a chair as I approach.

"Here's breakfast," Mom says as she sets down two bowls on either side of the table.

"Thank you."

"So, how did you get home yesterday?" She says nonchalantly, focusing on her breakfast.

"Oh, um... I walked."

"Where did you go?"

"Mm, just around the school area."

"Your school?"

"... No, around Karasuno."

"Huh? Isn't that farther of a walk?"

"A little bit, but it wasn't very far away."

"Okay... did you walk home with anyone?"

"Um... I didn't walk with anyone."

"So you weren't walking home with a boy?"

I choke slightly on my food. Early warning bells sound in my head, and I feel that I have to leave now before she says any more. "Sorry mom, I have to go now, um, early volleyball meeting."

Her furrowed eyebrows relax as I started to gather my things. "You know you can tell me anything."

Slinging my backpack straps over my shoulders, I reach for the door handle.

I turn and say, "I know. Maybe we can talk about it later," before saying a final goodbye and shutting the door.

"I am going to be there way too early," I say to myself, walking down my driveway. The clear sky is light blue, the air is crisp and my mouth still produces tiny clouds at every breath. Thinking about this week gives me a sense of dread, not just because of schoolwork, but knowing I won't have anything like volleyball to ease my mind anymore.

The Walk Home「Azumane Asahi x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now