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I check my phone. I haven't gotten any new messages yet. I sigh, flipping my phone screen-down onto the table and focusing again on my workbook. I usually expect a text from Asahi by now, but the finals are the day after tomorrow. He and everyone else must be taking these last days to practice as much as they can.

An hour passes, and I feel as if I've made a significant dent in my homework for tonight. I decide to get up and have dinner, feeling my stomach start to growl as I finish up writing one last sentence.

I get up from the floor and wipe at the backs of my legs as I walk towards the kitchen. Mom had left a note on the table saying that she'd be out running some errands, so I'd be on my own for dinner tonight. I open the cabinet where the rest of my apple drinks sit, taking one out and flipping open the tab before taking a sip. Just as I'm about to open the fridge, there's a knock at the front door.

"Hm," I say out loud, taking my drink with me to open the door. "She's back early."

I don't hesitate as I grab the doorknob and swing open the front door, ready to greet her with a funny look on my face.

"Mo-o-om—" I start to say, but my voice gets caught in my throat. I stand at the door, trying to change my expression back to normal as fast as I can.

"Sorry, it's just me," Asahi says, standing opposite of me. He has his volleyball gear with him, looking fresh out of practice.

"N-no, it's okay! I thought it was going to be my mom at the door." I laugh sheepishly, and he does the same.

"She's not home right now?" He asks.

I shake my head. "She's off getting some groceries, I think. I was just about to make myself some dinner."

I watch his eyes, and there's a slight glint of sweat above his brow, highlighted by the gleam of the sunset. The air is slightly warmer tonight, and he's opted to carry his jacket on his shoulder, showing off a white t-shirt. His appearance starts to make me think of my own, and I suddenly remember that I'm in my pyjamas.

The Walk Home「Azumane Asahi x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now