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hi, what's up?

Nothing muchWhat about you?

nothing much either haha

did school just end for you too

Yeah! We have practice today

ooh i see! have fun

Thank you! Have a safe walk home

I close out my messages as I leave the school grounds. I stop myself before taking the direction home and look the opposite way where I would find Karasuno if I started walking. For some reason, I can't bring myself to start walking home. Even walking down the path from the school entrance to the sidewalk, I feel distracted. Ugh, why? I'm not that dependent on other people. I've always been able to walk home by myself.

Maybe I need to let my mind cleanse itself. Maybe, if I take a walk before going home, I might feel better. That means I shouldn't go the way back home, but rather, in the opposite direction. This is fine. Before I go on my way, I send Mom a quick message letting her know I'll be late coming home.

I feel more at ease when I walk in the opposite direction of home. This can't be because I'd eventually reach... No. I'm not a person who can't do simple things alone. But why do I feel like an empty shell right now? Like there's something missing from me that I have to find.

Just as I remember, Karasuno is not a far walk. I'm relieved to see it, as a diversion from my thoughts. I remind myself that I'm out just to clear my mind, but I start to wonder. I could always take a short detour around the school as if I'm on a personal tour, then continue my walk somewhere else.

Students continue to file out of the entrance— they might find it weird if someone with a different uniform walks in. At some point, I realize that I have no choice but to wait outside the entrance until no one else comes out. I didn't think at first that I'd have to wait fifteen minutes before I'd be able to go in, but I hope that I was able to take the attention away from me by staring deeply into my phone screen the whole time.

The Walk Home「Azumane Asahi x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now