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Before I can reach into my pocket for my phone, the teacher calls out behind me

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Before I can reach into my pocket for my phone, the teacher calls out behind me. I turn around, and she is peering out of the doorframe with my backpack in hand.

"You forgot this," she says.

"What...?" I say under my breath, yet I scuttle hastily towards her to take it. As I do, she gives me a slight nod before shutting the classroom door in front of me.

Finally, with my bag in hand, I dig nervously in my pocket for my phone. Feeling it in my palm, I accept the call and raise it to my ear.

"Hello—" I start to say, interrupted by the noise that erupts on the other side. I wince and distance my phone away from my ear; however, the responding line still blares on, though somehow remaining indiscernible.

"(Y/N), hello! It's me!" I manage to hear through the noise on the other side, and tentatively I bring the device back to my ear, jogging through the hallway to keep from disturbing the adjacent classrooms.

"Suga? Why are you calling, isn't the game soon?" I ask, and he doesn't respond for a moment. As I jog through the hallway, the call quality seems to increase, and the ear-splitting noise from earlier starts to sound more and more like intense laughter.

"No, no... we got here a bit early. But first, how are you?" Sugawara says, sounding too casual for my comfort.

"Um... I'm okay..." I trail off, unable to focus on my thoughts due to the continuous noise in the background. "I'm sorry, what— who is laughing so damn loud?"

"Well—" he starts to say, but a new voice in the call catches my attention.

"Ah, I knew I shouldn't have said anything!" A familiar voice says.

"No, no, no, it's not funny, it's not funny!" Another chokes out, stifling laughter.

"Maybe you should bring antacids instead of breath mints next time!" Someone else pipes up.

"Hey, quit making fun of him! He's your senior!" A final voice scolds.

"Is... is that—?" I say, starting to recognize each individual voice, but Sugawara interrupts me.

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