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My eyelids struggle to rise as I feel myself begin to wake. It's another day of school. As much as I know I have to get up, I can't help but shut my eyes again.

I have three classes today, but my motivation only seems to be enough for those three. How did I ever have the energy to do more in high school?

Letting myself have one last moment of silence, I attempt to jolt myself awake by forcing my eyes open. Once I do so, I check the alarm clock on the night table beside me.

Suddenly, I don't have to force my eyes open anymore, as I finally feel awake once I read the time.

"Damn it," I mutter as I stumble out of bed, "I'm late!"

I manage to get dressed and prepare my things in a matter of a half-hour, but I'm nowhere near looking as ready as I would be if I had woken up earlier.

The last thing I do is peek through the curtains draping over the window, just to check the weather. Cloudy.

With that, I grab my bag and rush out of my dorm.


After this afternoon's fiasco, I can at least say that I make it to my second class on time.

I'm just about to settle in for the lecture when my phone begins to vibrate on the desk, and I grab it quickly.

Knowing that it's a call, I hesitantly turn to the person on my side, asking if they can watch over my things while I step out momentarily. With their permission, I exit the lecture hall.

Just outside of the doors, I answer the call quickly without checking to see who it is beforehand.


The Walk Home「Azumane Asahi x Reader」Where stories live. Discover now