Chapter Twenty Nine

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(A/n: Literally just used the countdown as an excuse tO STAY UP LATE HAHAHA BUT ANYWAYS HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!! :D)


"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six!"

Skeppy and Bad both chanted, eyeing the clock. It's the New Year countdown for 2021.

"Five! Four! Three! Two! One! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!" Skeppy and Bad cheered, jumping and hugging in excitement.

"Let's have one more round, Darry." Skeppy said, walking to the fridge.

"Okay." Bad smiles and sits back on the couch.

Skeppy opens the fridge door, only to find no more drinks. "Aww, dammit, there's no more."

"Language, Zak...!" Bad giggled.

"Sorry, sorry!" Skeppy laughed, then asks, "Can we go out and buy some more?"

"It's so late, though." Bad said.

"Come on, pretty please?" Skeppy pleads.

"Aww, okay, fine, I can't really say no." Bad complies.

"Yay!" Skeppy cheers.

Both of them got their jackets and they leave the house together, walking to the nearest convenience store, which stays open all day and night.

On the way, they saw a few cars pass by, some of which are police cars.

Skeppy looks around at the dark street. "It's so dark out..."

"Yeah..." Bad murmurs. Then he holds Skeppy's hand out of nowhere.

"Wha- Darry?" Skeppy mumbles.

Bad smiles, "Don't want you getting lost again."

"Again?" Skeppy was confused at first, then he remembered. "Heh, just like in high school with the festival, huh?"

Bad chuckled, "Yeah, exactly."

They eventually arrive, enter the store, and goes straight for the freezer to grab a few bottles.

Eventually, they both heard some yelling.

"Everything from the cashier, now!"

The duo looked at the cashier. There are two men wearing dark outfits and ski masks, they are holding guns and are standing in front of the cashier man.

It's a robbery.

Bad and Skeppy immediately hide behind an isle, viewing the scene.

"I'm calling the cops." Skeppy whispered to Bad and brought out his phone.

One of the robbers heard him however, and saw the duo.

They point their gun at Skeppy without his noticing.

Bad saw it though, and yelled, "ZAK, RUN!"

The robber pulled the trigger, the same time Bad steps between Skeppy and the robber.

Bad got shot on the back of his head, and fell to the floor.

"DARRY!!" Skeppy yelled in shock.

By some miracle or coincidence, the police showed up in the store, and apprehended the robbers.

Of course, there were police cars around in the neighborhood. Thank goodness.

But Bad was still shot, and unconscious.

"Darry! Darry!!" Skeppy cried. "Oh my god! Someone help! SOMEONE!!"

Thankfully, the police called for an ambulance for Bad and it arrived within a half minute. It took Bad to the hospital.

Skeppy waited in the waiting room, anxious and crying. "Please be okay..." He whimpered.

He texted A6D about what happened right after he arrived in the hospital.

═══12:27 am, January 1, 2021═══


whats up skep?


wait WHAT
is he ok?!

im waiting rn

well f*ck
hope hes ok


get it together skep
we cant rlly do anything rn but wait and pray


im sorry skep...
i cant do much rn
if only i stayed behind instead of going back home
i wouldve been there with you

its ok a6d
dw bout it
ill update u once i get the news

ill try and contact the dt
theyre bads friends so they deserve to know
theyre probs asleep tho so ill have to leave a message

ok ill ttyl

k skep
stay safe and try to calm down, ok?


Skeppy closed his DMs with A6D and just waited in silence, nervousness and anxiety filling his head.

A few hours had passed. Finally, a doctor called for him.

"Doctor, is he okay?" Skeppy asked, nervous.

The doctor answered, "He's lucky, he survives, despite being shot in the head. We managed to take the bullet out, but he's in a comatose state right now."

Skeppy was relieved. Bad survived, but he's in a coma... "How long? Can you determine it?"

"Sadly not... We'll just have to wait till then, sir." The doctor answered with a sigh.

"Okay... can I see him?" Skeppy asked.

"You can, follow me." The doctor gestured Skeppy to follow him and Skeppy complies.

The doctor lead him to a patient's room, and Skeppy steps inside. "Oh my god..."

Skeppy almost cried at the sight. Bad is on the bed, asleep. He has wires attached to him, with medicine and heartbeat and blood pressure monitors.

"Darry..." Skeppy whispered. He sat down on the chair next to the unconscious Bad and held his hand.

"I'll be leaving, sir. Press the emergency button if anything happens." The doctor said.

"Okay... thank you so much..." Skeppy nods.

"You're welcome." The doctor leaves and closes the door.

Skeppy looks back at Bad, and smiled sadly, "Hey, Darry... I'm here, okay?"

Skeppy's smile faded and soon he starts tearing up, "I want to thank you and... I'm so sorry, Darry... you protected me, you sacrificed yourself and took a bullet for me... I don't think I could ever do that... you're so strong and kind, Darry... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you either..."

Skeppy sniffs and wipes his tears. He was just grateful that Bad is still alive.

"You probably can't hear me right now but..." Skeppy paused. "I love you, Darry... I always had... I just never realized it till now, when I almost lost you..."

No response.

"I just... God... I love you so much, Darry... Please don't leave me..." Skeppy sobs. "I promise I'll stay here and be by your side as long as possible..."


(A/n: Next few chappys gonna be quite rushed, sorry)

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