Chapter Twenty Eight

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(A/n: Happy New Year's Eve! 2021 is probs gonna suck more than 2020 lol)

(Also, I announced this earlier but there are technical difficulties with the chapter order. Idk if you can see it but the chapters aren't in order and no matter how much I try and reorder it, it just wouldn't fix itself. It honestly is starting to get on my nerves and I am SO ANNOYED ABOUT IT, WHY IS IT NOT FIXING, UGHHHHH)


After having dinner together, Skeppy and Bad are watching TV together in Bad's living room, laughing it off and having fun.

Skeppy got curious about something. He asked, "Hey, Darry, you drink twice every week, right?"

Bad was confused why Skeppy asked him that out of nowhere but he answered, "Yeah, why?"

Skeppy asked, "Wanna have a few rounds with me?"

Bad nods, "Sure."

Bad had a few bottles of alcohol in his fridge. They drank a few glasses, making sure they don't drink too much and get drunk.

"Hey, Zak?" Bad asks.

"Yeah?" Skeppy looks at him.

"Are you going to spend New Year with your family?" Bad asks.

"Oh, uhh..." Skeppy hesitates. "Well, the thing is, Darry, I haven't told you this, but my parents kicked me out of their house when I turned sixteen..."

"Oh, wait, they did?!" Bad seemed shocked. "Why?!"

"Well, I was being a stupid and selfish kid, and I didn't want to go to college, so my parents were mad at me and kicked me out a little bit after I graduated high school." Skeppy answered calmly. "I don't blame them, though. I guess it's what I deserve."

"Mmm..." Bad hummed and nodded. "Is that why you decided to move back here?"

"Actually, yeah. I didn't really expect you to be here, though. I thought you were already gone to college, living in a dorm or something." Skeppy said.

"I didn't have enough money back then to pay for college." Bad said. "Even with a student loan, I don't think I could pay that much..."

"So you decided to have a job as a YouTuber instead." Skeppy said.

"Yeah." Bad said. Then he looks down on the floor. "My parents might have sent me off to college though... if they hadn't left me..."

"Yeah." Skeppy nodded. "Probably."

There was a moment of silence. Skeppy stood up and said, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom for a bit."

"Okay..." Bad mumbled.

Skeppy went upstairs to the bathroom, and after a little while, he went back downstairs.

However, when he arrived in the living room, he saw Bad, curled into a ball on the floor, just in front of the couch.

"Darry?!" Skeppy called out and ran by his side. "Darry, what's wrong?"

Bad was sobbing like crazy. His tears couldn't stop falling.

Bad spoke between sobs, "My parents... my parents hate me... they left me..."

"Darry, you're drunk, there's no way they hate you." Skeppy said.

"They hate me!" Bad insists, "They hate me so much Zak..."

"Then just ignore them." Skeppy wraps his arms around him. "If they left their own child alone, they don't deserve you."

Bad stayed silent and only cried on Skeppy's shoulder.

"Darry, you're the coolest and most perfect guy I have ever met, and whoever would leave you like that is a horrible person! So don't mind them, Darry." Skeppy said.

Skeppy isn't very great with comforting when someone vents or cries, but he tried his best.

After all, he hated to see his best friend cry. Seeing him so sad and broken hurts Skeppy.

Bad hugs back to Skeppy, and cried for a little bit longer.

"Shh... It's okay, Darry." Skeppy whispered. "Even if your parents have left you, I never will. I promise."

"Th-thank you... Zak..." Bad hiccups.

After a few minutes of silence, Bad finally calmed down, pulling from the hug.

Skeppy asked, "You okay now?"

Bad nodded, "Yeah... Thanks again, Zak..."

"No prob, Darry. I'm your bestie, so I can't just let you be so sad." Skeppy gave a comforting smile.

Bad smiled back, then hugs Skeppy again. "You're the greatest best friend ever."

"Aww, shucks, Darry." Skeppy blushes and hugs back.

Soon, after a while, they decided to go back to watching some TV, going back to laughing and enjoying themselves.

"Do you wanna wait for the countdown, Zak?" Bad asks.

"Yeah." Skeppy nodded then chuckled, "We're gonna have to try and not fall asleep by accident again."

Bad chuckled as well. "Yeah."

Hours later, it is now ten fifty-eight PM. Bad and Skeppy are still in the living room, they aren't watching TV anymore and rather just talking.

They didn't want to relax in Bad's bedroom incase they would fall asleep on the bed by accident, although at least there are loud fireworks coming from outside to help them stay awake.

Eventually, Bad yawned. "I'm so sleepyyy..."

Skeppy giggled, "Nuuu, don't fall asleep!"

Bad laughed, "I won't! Or I'll try not to. Can I get a pillow, at least?"

Bad stood up, but Skeppy immediately grabbed him by the shirt. "Nooo!"

Bad fell back on the couch due to Skeppy's grip and said, "Okay, okay."

But Bad ended up lying down on the couch, resting his head on Skeppy's lap.

"Darry?" Skeppy was surprised.

"If I can't have a pillow, I'll just use you as one." Bad smirks.

Skeppy got too flustered that he turns his head to look away, his cheeks turning bright red.

Bad smiles and admires Skeppy's face for a while before eventually falling asleep, leaving Skeppy embarrassed.


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