Chapter Six

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A6D looks around, and he sees Sapnap nearby.

They stare at each other for minutes, not knowing how to react.

A6D just sort of decided to chat him there.

<A6D> Hi

Sapnap saw the greeting. He wasn't sure if he should greet back, since he's Skeppy's best friend.

But he decided to just at least reply.

<Sapnap> Hi

"Oh, he actually replied..." A6D thought. "Now what?"

A6D then realized. Sapnap is Bad's friend, so maybe he knows something about why Bad and Skeppy hate each other.

But of course, they just can't openly talk about that in a Minecraft server. So A6D should convince him to get into TeamSpeak with him.

<A6D> wanna TS for a while?
<A6D> I know Im a friend of Skeppy's but
<A6D> I just wanna ask u something

Sapnap was slightly confused upon seeing A6D request him to get on TeamSpeak.

In all honesty, though, Sapnap doesn't really mind getting into TeamSpeak with A6D, even if he's Skeppy's friend. He shrugged and replied with,

<Sapnap> sure

"Wait, really?" A6D was surprised.

But he just decided to go with it, opening his TeamSpeak and setting up a channel for himself and Sapnap.

You were moved.

"Oh, hi!" A6D greeted nervously.

"Hi." Sapnap greeted back calmly. "So, uhh... What do you wanna ask me?"

A6D answered, "So I know you're a friend of BadBoyHalo's... Do you know why he and Skeppy hates each other?"

Sapnap stayed silent for a while, then admits, "Huh, now that you mentioned it, I never really knew why. I just didn't think about it. But why do you care anyways?"

A6D admits, "Well, I was just curious, that's all. Skeppy's my best friend but he refused to tell me why he hates BadBoyHalo."

Sapnap said, "I thought this whole time it was just plain rivalry or something like that."

A6D said, "Well, that's what I thought too, but Skeppy told me something interesting about it yesterday..."

Sapnap tilted his head to the side, "Oh?"

A6D answered, "Skeppy said he... 'didn't wanna talk about it'. And when I immediately made an assumption that something happened between them, he admitted that something did happen."

Sapnap said, "Oh, that does sound really interesting. But what could have happened, though?"

A6D said, "That's what I've been wondering. It must have been really long ago, because when I first met Skeppy two years ago, he's already been saying he hates BadBoyHalo."

Sapnap nodded, "Yeah, for as long as I knew Bad, he was also saying he hates Skeppy. He never said why."

A6D asked, "Do you think your other friends, George and uhm, Dream, would know?"

Sapnap answered, "George probably wouldn't know either, but maybe Dream would. He's known Bad since 2013, I think..."

A6D said, "Oh, okay then."

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