Chapter Twenty

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"This is your f**king fault." Skeppy grumbled after A6D and Sapnap left the room.

"Language, and how is it my fault?!" Bad asks.

"If only you didn't punch me!" Skeppy exclaimed.

"Well I wouldn't have punched you if only you hadn't ate my dinner!" Bad argues.

Skeppy pouts and crosses his arms, and faces away from Bad.

Bad did the same, both of them sitting on Bad's bed.

Both of them can't really leave. Bad is cuffed to Skeppy and Skeppy's leg is still injured.


An hour has passed since they've been there.

Both of them are using their phones and checking out their social medias.

They hadn't talked at all. They were just sitting there in silence.

Eventually, Skeppy muttered, "Goddammit." He puts his phone down.

Bad looked at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

Skeppy said, "None of your business."

Bad got curious and said, "Yeah, but-"

Skeppy interrupted. "NONE of your business, shut the f**k up."

Bad was struck silent. He didn't even bother to call out language when Skeppy swore.

"Is there a reason why he acts like this?" Bad asks in his head. "Why does Skeppy act like this? Is something bothering him? Maybe he's going through something... I know that he and I split but even I moved on from that..."

Bad and Skeppy stayed silent.

Then out of the blue, Bad whispered, "Do you know that, uh... I watch your YouTube videos?"

Skeppy was confused and asked, "What?"

Bad said, "Not in a mocking way, your videos are actually quite amusing."

Skeppy stayed silent in surprise. So Bad actually enjoys his videos?

Bad continues, "My favorite dish is chicken noodle soup."

"Huh?" Skeppy whispered. Why is Bad saying this?

But Bad continued. "I do competitive knife throwing and shooting, not really that good at it, though... I like Faster's Under The Tree remix..."

Skeppy just sat there in silence, listening. He wondered, "Why is he sharing stuff about himself to me?"

Bad still continued, "My parents left me at 2012, said they had business to take care of outside of town, they never came back... I never read any novels... My favorite weapon in Minecraft is the trident, because you could fly with it... I drink twice a week or whenever I'm in a bad mood... Never got in a relationship... Haven't talked to anyone but the Dream Team in seven years... I don't like costumes or cosplay... Did driving lessons but didn't pass in the test driving part... And I cried in my bathroom almost everyday for an entire year after the day we split."

Skeppy stayed silent. But eventually he spoke up, "Why are you... why are you sharing this with me?"

Bad mumbled, "I thought I might as well share a few stuff with you but uh... it's pointless, isn't it? It's completely unnecessary..."

Skeppy processed all of it in his head, staying silent.

Then Skeppy asked, "You really haven't got in a relationship your whole life?"

Bad murmured, "Oh my goodness. Out of everything I just said, that's the one you pick?"

Skeppy said, "I'm just saying. It's a bit sad, though."

Bad nodded and hummed. "Hmm..."

Skeppy then asks, "Who's uh... What's Under The Tree and who's-"

"Faster?" Bad finishes his question. "You know, the song that goes, ba-bum, ba-bum, I am a dog, under a log, under the tree, ba-bum, ba-bum..."

Skeppy stayed silent, then after a while, he chuckles.

"What? What's so funny?" Bad asks.

"Nothing. I know who Faster is, I was just trolling." Skeppy admits while smiling.

"YOU...!" Bad exclaimed before calming down, "Oh my goodness."

Meanwhile Skeppy laughed. And for the first time, it didn't sound so mischievous.

Rather, it sounded bright, and sincere.

Bad couldn't help but smile a little.

"Hey, Bad?" Skeppy murmured after a while.

"Yeah?" Bad looked at him.

"Don't think anything's changed between us when I say this, okay?"


"You're a..." Skeppy paused. "You're a really cool guy."

Bad smiles, "Thank you. You're cool too..."

Skeppy mumbles, "Thanks..."

Bad checks the time on his phone, which says seven fifty one PM. "So what do you wanna do now?" He asks awkwardly, not really sure if he and Skeppy are actually getting along.

"I don't know." Skeppy said.

Bad nodded, looking away from Skeppy and continues to look at stuff in his phone. Skeppy did the same.


Hours had passed, it is now ten o'clock PM.

Skeppy and Bad are still awake, not talking to each other.

Soon, they heard the door open. They look up from their phones and see who's there.

"A6D?" Skeppy mumbles.

"Hey guys..." A6D sighed, "I know we had our, uhm, fight earlier. I wanted to say sorry."

"Us, too." Sapnap said, he and George are standing right behind A6D.

"It's okay, you muffinheads." Bad smiles.

"Yeah..." Skeppy trails off.

Sapnap unlocks the handcuffs and A6D handed Skeppy his crutch back so he could walk.

"So... how have you guys been doing?" George asks.

"I don't know." Skeppy puffs his cheeks. "Still hate him, I guess."

"Yeah." Bad pouts.

"Oh well. I guess things will never change." A6D shrugs. Then he gestures Skeppy out of the room, "Let's sleep in the guest room, Skep. We were originally going to make you and Bad sleep in here, but I already feel bad enough to force you..."

"Hmm..." Skeppy only nodded and struggles to the next room.

The group of five decided to turn in for the night. Skeppy and A6D slept in the guest room while Bad, George, and Sapnap slept in Bad's room.


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