Chapter Nineteen

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(Trigger warning: vomit)


Skeppy grumbles as he grabs his pillows and blankets. "Dammit, A6D."

Just earlier, A6D and the Dream Team (MINUS DREAM BECAUSE HE'S NOT HERE-) planned to eat dinner and have a sleepover in Bad's house.

And A6D practically talked to Skeppy into joining and Skeppy didn't want to but got peer pressured into it.

Skeppy puts his phone in his bag with his pajamas and wobbles to the guest room with his crutch and injured leg to check on A6D.

A6D seems ready with his bag and clothes, and asked, "Ready?"

Skeppy shrugs, "I guess."

Both A6D and Skeppy went downstairs, bringing their bags, pillows, and blankets with them as Skeppy grabs his keys and locks up the house once they leave.

They walked along the sidewalk, arriving at Bad's front step.

A6D rings the doorbell, and Sapnap opened the door immediately.

"Hey guys! Come in." Sapnap gestured them inside.

"Are they here...?" Bad mumbles as he was mixing some stuff for dinner.

George pats Bad on the back, "It's gonna be okay, Bad."

"Hmph..." Skeppy huffed as he enters the house, dropping his things near the living room couch before sitting on it, with A6D sitting next to him.

Skeppy fiddles with his phone, checking out Twitter.

"Hey, Bad, what are you cooking for dinner?" Sapnap asks out of curiosity, peeking over Bad's shoulder.

"Pepperoni and olives pizza." Bad answered as he puts five trays of pizza dough in the oven.

Skeppy's head perks up upon hearing that. He does like eating pizza, especially ones with pepperonis and olives.

"Well, it's gonna take just fifteen minutes before it's ready. What do you guys wanna do?" Bad asks.

"How about we play some Paranoia?" George suggests.

(A/n: I believe I already told you what Paranoia is. If you don't remember, read Chapter Seven-)

"What's that?" Skeppy asks in a curious yet deadpan tone.

After George and Sapnap explained the rules to Skeppy and A6D, the group of five sat down on the living room floor in a circle. First being George, then Sapnap, then A6D, then Skeppy, then Bad, then back to George.

Skeppy and Bad hated being seated next to each other but their friends set it up that way and they had to comply.

After a few rounds, Skeppy whispered a question to Bad and smirked. Bad answered nervously, "Y-yes, I do. I choose heads." 

Sapnap flipped the coin and it landed on tails.

Bad facepalmed, "Oh my goodness, really?"

"What was the question?" George asks.

Skeppy laughed, "I asked if he drinks any liquor."

"Ngh..." Bad pouts and looks away.

"It's okay, Bad." George said, "I drink sometimes too."

"Wait, seriously?" A6D asked.

George nodded.

Then after a few more rounds, Bad's oven made a ding sound, implying that the pizzas are done.

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