Chapter 14

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(A/n: funny number we got there, ey?)


"An arcade?" Skeppy asks after A6D led him and Bad to an arcade inside a mall.

"Yeah, I thought this would be a good start, also I hadn't been in an arcade for the longest time." A6D smiles.

"Hmm, okay then." Bad said with a straight face.

"Well, it HAS been a long while." Skeppy smiles and walks over to the cashier, with A6D and Bad behind.

A6D offered to pay for everything, so that Skeppy and Bad could just enjoy themselves.

"What should we play first?" Skeppy asks once they had received their tokens.

A6D points to a nearby arcade machine, "How about that shooting game over there?"

"Okay." Bad nods as he follows Skeppy and A6D to the machine.

They insert their tokens and start shooting down some zombies.

Skeppy and A6D aren't very good with it apparently.

But Bad was able to shoot down most if not all of it.

"Woah, you're pretty good, Bad." A6D said, amazed by Bad's skill.

"Thanks." Bad smiles as he kept his head on the game.

Skeppy watched him. He thought Bad was pretty good too. Or not? It's complicated.

The trio ended up beating the high score. "Yay!" Bad cheered. "Okay, what shall we do next?"

"I kinda wanna win some prizes next..." Skeppy mutters.

"In that case, why don't we try those claw games?" A6D points at the claw machines with Minecraft plushies inside.

"Oh, that looks good." Bad agrees.

The three decided to try it out. Bad and A6D had many attempts but didn't get a single prize.

"Aww dangit." Bad giggles.

"Tough luck, huh?" Skeppy cackles, holding numerous plushies of creepers, endermen, spiders, skeletons, zombie pigmen (NOT THE 1.16 ONES), striders, and iron golems.

"How did you get so many?!" Bad exclaims.

"Woah, that's cool, Skep!" A6D said.

Skeppy giggled, "Thanks, you can have some, A6D."

"You may need a bag." Bad said.

"I'll go buy one so I'll be right back." A6D runs off out the arcade to a nearby store to buy a bag to put all the prizes in.

It's just Bad and Skeppy, standing there awkwardly. Both of them avoided eye contact and stayed silent.

"Anyways, do you want some, idiot?" Skeppy asks.

"Hey, don't call me an idiot...!" Bad puffs his cheeks, but then was taken aback by Skeppy's question. "I can have some?"

"Don't take this the wrong way, okay?!" Skeppy exclaims, "It's just that this is way too many for one person and I just wanna get rid of most of them."

Bad didn't believe that for some reason. He gave Skeppy a small smile, "Thank you, Skeppy."

"I-it's nothing! Idiot." Skeppy grumbled.

A6D came back, with three different colored shopping bags. "I'm back! I got us one each!"

A6D gave the red bag to Bad, the blue bag to Skeppy, and kept the black one for himself.

Skeppy gave most of his plushies to A6D and Bad, and they all kept them in their respective bags.

After a couple more hours of playing games in the arcade, the trio decided to eat some lunch.

"Hey, Bad, what if I ordered you 14 burgers?" Skeppy laughs.

"I don't want that many burgers, Skeppy!" Bad exclaims. "Also stop with the 14 already!!"

Skeppy cackles, "Whatever."

Timeskip brought to you by french baguette~

After a lot of insulting, badmouthing, and just plain arguing, the trio finally finished their lunch and decided to go back home.

They arrived outside Skeppy's and Bad's houses, and A6D said, "Well, we'll see you later, Bad!"

Bad shrugged, "I guess."

Skeppy stayed silent. Of course he doesn't want to see Bad again.

Bad walks in his house, red bag in hand. He locks his door and goes upstairs, drops the bag next to his bed, changes to his house clothes, and turned his computer on, to see if the Dream Team is online.

Dream and George are in a call together, but Sapnap is offline.

Buddy joined your call.

"Dream! Give me the sword!" George exclaiming was the first thing Bad heard.

"Only if you say you love me, George~" Dream flirts.

"I'm not saying it!!" George shouts, seeming flustered.

"What are you guys doing?" Bad interrupts, chuckling.

"Huh? Oh, hey, Bad! We're just trying to speedrun Minecraft right now." Dream answers.

"Dream won't give me the sword!!" George whines.

Bad giggles, "Dream, give him the sword."

"He has to say I love you, Dream first." Dream wheezes.

"No!" George refuses.

"Come on, Dream, you muffin." Bad said.

"Okay, okay, fine." Dream's Minecraft character threw the iron sword at George's Minecraft character.

"Oh my god, thank you." George said, "But anyways, how did it go, Bad? With Skeppy and A6D?"

"It was okay, I guess." Bad admits.

"Did I hear that right?!" Dream said sarcastically.

"That doesn't mean me and Skeppy are okay yet, you muffin!" Bad exclaims.

"Okay, okay." George laughed, happy that Skeppy and Bad are getting along. Kind of.


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