Chapter Twenty Six

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It is the year 2003.

The six year old Zak and seven year old Darryl are having a sleepover in Zak's house.

In midnight, Darryl screamed, which woke Zak up.

"Darry, what's wrong?!" Zak asks when he saw Darryl crying on his bed.

"I h-had a nightmare..." Darryl sobs.

"Oh no! It's okay, Darry!" Zak hugs Darryl in an attempt to comfort him. "They aren't real, they're just stupid images that just pop into your mind when you sleep. They're not real..."

"I know..." Darryl hugs back, smiling a little and allowing himself to be comforted by the warmth Zak is giving him.

After a few minutes, Darryl pulled from the hug, still sobbing slightly.

Zak felt bad. What could he do?

"Don't worry, Darry! I'll sleep here with you!" Zak smiles brightly.

"H-huh?" Darryl wipes the tears from his eyes.

Zak got under the blanket on the bed Darryl is sitting on. "Lie down!"

Darryl was confused but he just complied, allowing Zak to lie down next to him.

"I'll hug you while we sleep, okay?" Zak says, hugging Darryl on the bed.

"O-okay..." Darryl smiles and hugs back, slipping back into sleep peacefully.


Present day.

Skeppy couldn't sleep because his excitement for Christmas Day wouldn't let him. He's currently looking through Twitter for anything funny or any cool fanarts.

It's one o'clock AM, and that's when he heard something. A loud slam.

It wasn't that loud to wake anyone up, but those who ARE already awake can definitely hear it.

Skeppy jumped at the sound, and he wondered what it was.

He gets up from his bed, and struggles downstairs to see what it was.

Skeppy looks out the window, and he saw Bad walking towards the park.

"Why is Bad awake at this hour?" Skeppy asked himself.

He decided to see what was up. He grabs his house keys and his jacket from his room, leaves his house, then goes to the park.

He sees Bad there, breathing heavily and walking, and looking around him, but doesn't see Skeppy who is behind him.

Bad sits down on a nearby bench, covering his face and keeping his head down.

Skeppy walks over to him and sits down next to him. "Darry?"

Bad looked at Skeppy, and widened his eyes. "Zak? What are you doing here?"

"Well, I saw you get out of your house... What are you doing awake?" Skeppy asked.

"I could ask you the same thing." Bad jokes.

"Oh, well, haha... I just couldn't sleep, that's all." Skeppy answered nervously. "How about you?"

Bad shivered, "I had a nightmare..."

"Oh, yeah, right... you used to have a lot of those when we were younger... Are you okay?" Skeppy mumbled.

"Mm-hmm..." Bad hummed, hugging his knees.

"It's okay, Darry." Skeppy scoots closer to Bad and puts an arm around him.

Bad sighed happily and rested his head on Skeppy's shoulder.

They stayed like that in silence for a few minutes, till Bad gently pulls back.

"You okay now?" Skeppy asks.

"Yeah... Thanks, Zak..." Bad smiles.

"Don't mention it." Skeppy smiles back, then said, "It's way too early, you wanna go home and sleep a bit more?"

"I..." Bad starts to shiver, "I might face that nightmare again..."

"Oh..." Skeppy mumbled, then he had an idea, "Oh! I know! Why don't you come over to my place just for a while? We could hang out."

"That sounds nice." Bad agrees with a smile. "I should probably leave a note in my house in case one of the Dream Team wakes up."

"Okay." Skeppy nods.

They went back to their houses, Bad left a sticky note on the guest room's door, saying that he'll be over at Skeppy's for a while, before he leaves again and goes over to Skeppy's house.

Skeppy let him in and they went into Skeppy's bedroom, sitting on his bed and chatting a bit, but not too loud to wake and disturb A6D.

"Oh, by the way, how's your leg?" Bad asks, concerning Skeppy's injured leg.

"It's okay, it'll still take a few weeks to fully recover." Skeppy answered.

"That's good, you're doing okay." Bad nods.

They talk for a bit more, a few hours passing by. Before they knew it, they were lying down next to each other on Skeppy's bed, looking up at the ceiling as they talk.

Eventually, Bad yawned, getting sleepy as it is early morning.

Skeppy noticed and asked, "You need to sleep?"

Bad shook his head and yawned again, "No..."

Well, Bad ended up sleeping anyways in the middle of a conversation.

Skeppy was leading the conversation and was confused why Bad didn't reply, but that was when he noticed he had fallen asleep.

Skeppy chuckled lightly, "Darry..." He adjusted his position so that Skeppy could look at Bad.

Skeppy scoots closer to Bad and admired his sleeping face, which made him smile.

Skeppy took the blanket and drapes it over himself and Bad so he wouldn't get too cold, then he puts an arm around his shoulders.

Skeppy remembered that one time when they were younger. There was a time like this when they were sharing the bed and hugging like this because Zak wanted to comfort Darryl while they sleep.

Skeppy smiled at the memory, and hugs Bad tightly and closes his eyes.


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