Chapter Twenty Three

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Bad walks back to his house about a half hour after reuniting with Skeppy.

Bad was happy, finally being able to get back to his best friend after almost a whole decade.

He was humming happily as he unlocks his front door and opens it.

Then he heard the loud sound of something popping.

"Congratulations, Bad!!" Both George and Sapnap cheered, they're both holding confetti poppers and confetti of multiple colors are fluttering from midair onto the floor.

"Y-you guys!!" Bad giggled.

George tackles Bad into a hug and said, "I'm so happy for you, Bad!"

Sapnap's eyes were filled with tears of joy as he wipes them away and said, "I'm so glad you two are together again."

"Thanks, you guys." Bad hugs back to George and smiles. "Does Dream know?"

"Depends on A6D, cuz we haven't told Dream yet." George answers as he pulls from the hug.

"I'm gonna tell Dream now." Sapnap chuckles as he gets his phone out his pocket and calls him.

It rung for a few seconds before Dream answered.

"Hey, Dream." Sapnap smiles.

"Oh, hey, Sapnap. What's up?" Dream asks.

"We've got great news, Dream." George said excitedly.

"Yeah?" Dream said.

"Me and Skeppy are friends again." Bad announces.

"Wait, seriously?!" Dream asks in surprise. "Congrats, Bad! I'm happy for you."

"Thank you, Dream." Bad said.

"We need to celebrate." Dream giggles.

"Yeah we should!" George agrees.

"Come here, Dream!" Sapnap jokes, using the tone he uses when he was hunting Dream down in Minecraft Manhunt.

"Nooo! I don't wanna face reveal!" Dream laughs.

"Just wear a mask." George giggles.

"It's gonna be so hot though, especially in Florida." Dream says.

"Aww, pretty please??" Bad pleads.

"No means no, Bad." Sapnap said.

"Aww, you're right." Bad smiles.


The next morning, after breakfast, Skeppy excitedly turned his computer on and opened his Twitter.

═══9:32 am, December 17, 2020═══


yeah zak? :0

wanna play some minecraft?

sure :D
whaddya wanna play? survival, speedrun or server?

lets try speedrun owo

ok :D

Skeppy immediately opened his Minecraft, TeamSpeak, and recording software.

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