Chapter Nine

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Present time, 2020.

After hearing that entire story, the Dream Team couldn't help but feel surprised.

"I- damn, Bad." Sapnap murmured.

"Language." Bad sighed, "But yeah, that's the whole story, why me and Skeppy hate each other."

"Who would have thought that they were actually best friends?" George said.

"Yeah, for you it would be weird and unusual, but it was a thing of the past for me..." Bad said.

"You and Skeppy should make amends!" Dream suggested, "You could regain your lost friendship-"

"I can't." Bad interrupted. "Skeppy hates me, and I hate him. I wouldn't be friends with him ever again. He's nothing but a toxic, cruel bully."

"I know, but then it's been eight, nine years-ish already. Don't you think that's too long of time to be mad over an embarrassing video he uploaded?" Dream asked.

"It doesn't matter." Bad muttered. "I... I should go. After talking about that story, I'm just... not in the mood to talk right now."

"Oh! Go ahead and rest then. We'll see you later, Bad." Sapnap said.

"Bye guys..." Bad mumbled before leaving.


"So what do we do? Do we just let them be them, enemies?" George asks.

"No, we need them to be friends again. After hearing that story, I realized that losing a friend over an argument like that, it would be like hell." Dream sighed.

"Could they really make up for this, though?" Sapnap asked.

"Of course they could! They were best friends all throughout their childhood and high school!" Dream said with confidence.

"So, wait, how can we get them to be friends again? Like how do we even start?" Sapnap asks.

"Oh, uhm..." Dream thought for a moment. "We should get them in a call, maybe try and get them to just talk about stuff."

"They would probably just fight and scream at each other like always, though." George sighed.

"Could we like monitor them?" Sapnap asked.

"Oh, we could do that. Problem is, I don't think Skeppy would want to stay in a channel with us and would just move himself or leave." Dream said.

Sapnap then had an idea, as if a light bulb lit up above him. "We can't convince Skeppy, but I know who can."


"So that's the plan?" A6D asks the Dream Team.

"Pretty much. You just have to convince Skeppy to stay in a call with Bad and tell him to just talk to him not like the assholes they are to each other-" Sapnap said.

"You don't have to explain that much, Sapnap." Dream giggled.

However, George was cautious. He asked, "Sapnap, can we even trust this guy?"

Sapnap told him, "Of course we can. After all, if anything, he's sort of in the same place as us, you know."

George sighed, "Yeah, you're right..."

"It's alright, George." A6D said. "You don't have to trust me, I just wanted to help. Now that I've heard their history together, I realized that Skeppy and BadBoyHalo needed each other more than anything else."

"They do need each other." Dream nods in agreement. "It isn't fair if the greatest of friends split up just because of something like this."

"Where's Skeppy right now?" Sapnap asks.

A6D answered, "He's eating lunch. Where's Bad?"

"After telling us the whole story, he wanted alone time." George explained.

A6D nodded, "We'll just have to wait till then."


After finishing his lunch, Skeppy returned to his room, and turns on his computer.

He noticed his wireless mouse and keyboard both have low battery.

He bends down and looks under his bed, where he keeps his batteries.

He reaches in and grabs the batteries, but he ends up knocking something over to the side.

"Hmm?" Skeppy was confused, he reaches for the other thing, and take it out along with the batteries.

It was a book. No, not really a book, it's a photo album.

Skeppy sits down on his bed, and wipes the dust off the album, flips the pages, and looks at the photos one by one.

They were all photos of himself and Bad, or Darryl, when they were children and in high school.

Skeppy sighed. He really hates him.

Darryl blamed him for everything, and Zak felt like any of it wasn't his fault.

Skeppy huffed, not wanting to reminisce the past, and threw the album in his trash can next to his desk.

He sat down on his chair and goes on TeamSpeak.

Meanwhile, A6D notices and said to the Dream Team, "He's online. I'll need to talk to him and keep him occupied before Bad gets here."

"Alright, then, I'll text you in Twitter when Bad comes on." Sapnap informs.

A6D nods, "Okay. I'll see you guys then." A6D disconnects from the call.


A6D checks his Twitter and sees that Skeppy texted him.

═══1:36 pm, November 27, 2020═══

Yoooo r u on?

Im on Im on



A6D sighed, and got into a call with Skeppy on TeamSpeak.

"Hey man!" Skeppy greets.

"Hey." A6D greets back in a bright tone.

A6D then thought to himself, "Hopefully this plan will work out, I just gotta wait for Sapnap's text till then."


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