Chapter Eight

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(A/n: For story purposes, in the present time which is 2020, Skeppy is 23 years old and Bad is 24 so they're just one year apart. Everyone else's ages are the original.)


Seventeen years ago, 2003.

The seven year old Darryl was on the couch, playing Pokemon Ruby in his Game Boy Advance.

"Darryl! Come out!" His mother called for him. Darryl noticed and went out through their house's front door, bringing the GBA with him.

There was a large moving truck just in front of the house next to theirs.

Darryl's parents were talking to another adult couple, before his mother noticed Darryl come out and she smiled at her little boy and said, "Come say hello to our new neighbors."

"Hi..." Darryl said shyly, eyeing his GBA.

"Hello there, Darryl." "It's nice to meet you, Darryl." The woman and the man of the other couple smiles genuinely at him accordingly.

"Uh-huh..." Darryl mumbled while fiddling with his GBA. He then aimlessly walked to the front step of his family's house.

Darryl's parents awkwardly apologizes to the other couple for Darryl's poor manners but they let it slide.

Darryl sat down on the steps and focused on his Pokemon battle, in which he is winning.

Meanwhile, at the house of the new neighbors, out came a little boy who seems to be almost the same age as Darryl.

He walked towards the two adult couple talking, and stopped just a few feet away from them when he spotted Darryl playing a GBA on his house's front step.

He walks over to him and sat right next to Darryl, peeking over at what Darryl is playing.

"Oh! It's Pokemon!" The little boy exclaims happily.

Darryl looked over at him, just noticing him at that moment.

"You know it?" Darryl asks, surprised.

"Of course, everyone does!" The boy grins. "Can I play with you?"

"Sure!" Darryl accepts.

The boy ran back inside his house, and went back to Darryl with another GBA in his hand.

They played together for an hour, trading, battling, and having fun overall.

"Your Pokemon is really strong! And so cool!" The boy compliments Darryl.

"Thank you." Darryl said awkwardly.

Then they realize, they haven't introduced themselves.

"I'm Darryl, what's your name?" Darryl introduces himself.

The boy smiled and introduced himself as well, "My name's Zak."


They were like best friends.

Inseparable best friends who never left each other's side.

Turns out Zak was just a year younger than Darryl but it didn't really matter to them.

They had a happy childhood because they had each other.

Two years later, YouTube was created.

It amazed the boys, and they decided to make their very own YouTube collaboration channel.

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