Chapter Sixteen

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The next day, at eight twenty-four AM, Bad was just staying on bed. He couldn't sleep last night.

It was just way too irritating to him. Both Skeppy and A6D are annoying to him.

He's just in a very crappy mood.

Bad groaned and grabbed his phone from his nightstand.

He muted the Dream Team GC in Twitter because he didn't feel like talking to them either.

Suddenly, his doorbell rang.

Bad rolled out of his bed. "Who could be here now? It better not be A6D or Skeppy..."

He fixes his hair and washes his face before going downstairs and opening the door.

And Bad was surprised at who was standing on his doorstep.

"Hey, Bad." George greeted.

"George?!" Bad exclaimed. "Wha- how are you here?! Wasn't it a twelve hour flight?!"

George explains between yawns, "Yeah, I've been on a plane since seven last night, I'm seriously so sleepy..."

Bad grabs his bags and gestures him inside, "You muffinhead, it's too early! Didn't you get any sleep at all?!"

George tiredly walks inside, "I slept on the plane, but-" then George yawns.

Suddenly, Rat came running and seemed excited about the guest.

George giggled, "Hey, Rat, nice to meet you."

"Come upstairs in the guest room!" Bad drags George's bags upstairs as George followed behind slowly, yawning. Rat walked by George's feet.

They arrive in the guest room, which has two beds. Bad leaves the bags next to the closet while George sits down on one of the beds. Rat then stayed by Bad's feet.

"You muffinhead, why did you come here so early?" Bad said.

"Well," George explains, "I sort of felt bad because of what happened yesterday, when you went to the hospital... I'm sorry about uhm... pressuring you, or forcing you, I guess..."

"Oh, no it's alright!" Bad said, sitting down next to him and carries Rat and places her on his lap.

"Though seriously..." George mumbled, "You really, REALLY hate Skeppy that much?"

Bad looked down at Rat and stayed silent. Then after  while, he spoke up, "I don't know."

George raises a brow, "You don't know?"

Bad shook his head and kept his head down.

George asked, "So you don't hate him after all?"

Bad just stayed silent. "It's... complicated... I hate him but at the same time I..." Bad paused. "I just don't know."

George nods, scooting closer to Bad.

Soon, Bad stood up and changed the subject. "Are you hungry? I'll cook some breakfast."

George nods, standing up, "Sure."


Skeppy is just playing Minecraft in his phone on his bed, he was allowed to be taken home but he must keep the cast over his leg.

Meanwhile, A6D was just doing nothing on Skeppy's guest bed, staring at the ceiling.

He gave a sigh. He really wanted Skeppy and Bad to get back together.

But how, when both of them are so positive that they'll never be friends again?

"There has to be a way." A6D said to himself as he sat upright, "I just don't know it yet."

He stands up and grabs his phone from his bag, to see if the Dream Team are online.

George isn't, but Dream and Sapnap are.

He texts them on Twitter.

═══8:27 am, December 15, 2020═══

hey guys

hey a6d

speedrun god
how r u and skeppy

ok i guess
idk actually
skeppy doesnt wanna talk to me ever since what happened yesterday.

oof, bad went to the hospital yesterday, didn't he?

skeppy got mad at me for telling bad to get there

speedrun god
they rlly hate each other, dont they?

yep pretty much

u guys got any update on bad?

speedrun god
george shouldve arrived there by now
last time he texted, he said he landed already

were just gonna have to wait ig
speaking of which
my flight's in a couple of hours
gtg get ready

ig ill text u guys later then

ttyl guys

speedrun god

A6D sighs and turns his phone off. He grabs his earphones, deciding he should listen to some music for a while to chill out.


"So how was the breakfast I made?" Bad asks after George finishes his plate of sunny-side up egg and hotdogs.

"It's pretty good, Bad! You'd make a great cook!" George smiles.

"Heheh, it's nothing..." Bad smiles back and stands up, gets George's plate and utensils and brings it to the kitchen sink to wash. "Why don't you go upstairs and have a nap?"

George nods, "I will." And so he goes upstairs while Bad washes the dishes.

George walks upstairs, to the guest room, and falls on the bed and slept almost instantly.


George woke up to the sound of giggling.

He sat up, groaning. The giggling is coming from the room next to the guest room he's sleeping in. Bad's room.

He walks over there and peeks from the doorway.

Bad was watching something from his phone, laughing and giggling. He's sitting on his bed, facing away from the doorway.

George mumbled, "Bad?"

Bad noticed and looks at George, covering his phone's screen with his hand. "Huh? Hey, George. What is it?"

George asks, "What are you doing right now?"

Bad answers, "Oh, I'm just watching YouTube..."

George nods, "Okay. I'm just gonna grab something from the fridge, is that okay?"

Bad nods, "Sure, just not any of the raw stuff, I'm saving those for later."

George chuckles, "I know."

George then closes the door, but he didn't leave right away.

Instead, he presses his ear against the door, to hear Bad laughing again.

Well, laughing while watching a YouTube video is totally normal, right? Nothing to be concerned about.

But other than the laughing, George could hear something else, most likely from the video.



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