Chapter Twenty Four

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(A/n: It's Christmas Eve in my timezone, early Merry Christmas everyone!! And thank you for 3K reads my story, 255 votes, commenting, and even following me, I apprish very much!! ^▽^)

(I have 82 followers, wow :0)

(Also I had to publish this again cos I had to fix some errors skjkwjnx)


Ten years ago...

It is December 17, year 2010.

It is currently the Christmas festival celebration in school.

Zak and Darryl, along with many other students in the school, were having fun with the stalls and food.

It's nighttime, but it's bright because of a lot of lanterns and Christmas lights.

And it is quite crowded too.

"There's so many people..." The fourteen year old Darryl mutters, having difficulty trekking through the crowd.

"Yeah." The thirteen year old Zak nodded.

They walked along their way, but eventually, because of the crowd, they got separated.

"Darry!" Zak, who was behind Darryl, shouts, but his voice was barely heard over the crowd of people.

Darryl didn't seem to notice Zak got separated from him.

Zak tries running through the crowd to him, but them he bumps into someone, a boy who seems like the same age as him.

"Hey! What's your problem, pal?!" The boy shouts at Zak angrily.

"I-I'm sorry!" Zak backs away.

Meanwhile, Darryl looks back, then realizes Zak wasn't behind him. "Zak?! Zak, where are you?!"

Darryl turns back and looks for Zak, then found him. But...

The boy drags Zak by the collar and slams him on the wall.

"S-stop!!" Darryl shouts.

"Oh? What are you gonna do about it?" The boy asks Darryl. "Tell your YouTube viewers about it? I don't care!"

"Leave him alone!" Darryl pushes the boy out then grabs Zak's wrist, bringing him to the crowd so the boy would lose them.

There was a bit of a chase, but eventually Darryl and Zak managed to lose him.

"You okay?" Darryl asks Zak.

"Yeah." Zak nods and smiles, "Thank you Darry."

"It's okay." Darryl smiles back. "Don't get lost like that again, you potato."

"You were walking too fast." Zak pouts.

"Sorry, sorry." Darryl said.

Zak notices that Darryl is still holding his wrist. He looks down and mumbles, "U-uhm..."

"Hmm?" Darryl hums confusedly, but then he looks down at their hands and lets go in embarrassment. "Oh! I'm sorry, Zak."

"N-no!" Zak then held Darryl's hand with his own and said, "I-I don't wanna get lost again..."

"Oh... okay." Darryl mumbles and complies, tightening his grip a little and walks in the crowd, with Zak nearby, not letting go of Darryl's hand.

Zak smiles a little, and thought about what Darryl just did. He defended him from that boy, and even holding his hand right now so they wouldn't get separated again.

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