Chapter One

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(A/n: Okay, so uhh if you have been my follower ever since my last two MCYT fanfics, or you have at least read them, then you would know for a FACT that at both books I would ruin the Skephalo ship as quickly as possible, I'M SORRY, OKAY? XD dw tho cuz that won't happen in this book because it literally says Skephalo on the title-)

(Also no more cover arts cuz it's too difficult to find any new and cool ones, for me anyways-)

(Also, please pay attention to the Chapter numbers. For some glitchy buggy reason they're unorganized.)

(Anyways, enjoy!! :D)


Another normal day.

Yes, it is a totally normal day. Nothing extraordinary or unusual happening today.

It is quite a special day today, to be honest.

The Dream Team will be doing another manhunt video.

They agreed to start recording at one o'clock in the afternoon that day.

Soon, at twelve fifty-five, Dream, George, and Sapnap had all joined in TeamSpeak.

However, BadBoyHalo hasn't joined yet.

"That's weird, Bad usually shows up in ten minutes prior." Dream said.

"Just give him some time, he'll be on." George said.

But soon, the clock hit one o'clock, and Bad still hadn't joined yet.

"What is he doing right now?" Sapnap asks.

"I don't know." Dream said, while getting his phone. "I'll text him in Twitter."

═══8:48 pm, November 25, 2020═══

Speedrun god:
Remember, 1:00 tomorrow

I know I know

═══1:00 pm, November 26, 2020═══

Speedrun god:
Hey, where r u rn?

Dealing with smth rn, but I'll be on soon

Dream puts down his phone on his desk. "He says he's dealing something right now but he'll be on soon."

George asks, "What's he dealing with?"

Sapnap sighs, "Is it Skeppy again?"

Hearing that name, Dream sighed as well, "I hope not. They literally hate each other."

Long story short, Skeppy and Bad are sort of rivals, some might even call them enemies. They don't talk to each other all that much, and even when they do talk, they would just throw insults at each other and always fought over who has the most subscribers, viewers, and liked videos.

Dream decided to randomly check TeamSpeak to see if Bad is online.

Oh he is. And he's in a channel with...

"Oh my god." Dream facepalmed when he saw that name.

Dream told George and Sapnap, "I'll be right back."

"Okay." George and Sapnap said in sync.


Dream joined in the same channel as Bad and a certain someone.

Buddy joined your channel.

The first thing Dream heard was loud shouting.

It was BadBoyHalo and the one and only Skeppy.

Skeppy shouts, "Your server is absolute trash! I hope everyone who joins it will stop coming to yours and play in mine instead!"

Bad retorts, "What are you talking about it being trash?! If anything, your server looks much more uglier than mine!"

Bad then notices there was one other person in the call, "D-Dream!"

Dream sighs, "Bad, really?"

Skeppy laughs, "Haha! Now you have your friend here?! Man, I feel sorry for him being friends with you!"

Dream groans, "Just leave Bad alone, you crappy diamond derp person."

"Language." Bad mutters.

Skeppy said in a mocking tone, "Oh? You don't tell me what to do, you disgusting green blob! Just because you're, like, the best Minecraft player in the world, doesn't mean you get to tell me what to do!"

Bad exclaims, "Oh my goodness, Skeppy! Dream, let's just leave this ragamuffin alone and get on with the video."

Dream facepalmed and said with a BRUH tone, "You could've done that earlier."

Skeppy rolled his eyes, "Whatever, I didn't really want to associate with you anyways, BaldBoyHalo."

Bad screams, "I'M NOT BALD!!"

Dream had enough of Skeppy's sh*t so he moved Bad and himself out of the channel and back to the Dream Team's channel.

You were moved.

"Oh! Bad, you're here!" Sapnap exclaims.

Bad greets in an annoyed tone, "Hey, guys. Sorry for being late, I was dealing with that ragamuffin again."

"Skeppy again?" George asked in a questionable tone.

Dream nods, "Yeah, they were bickering again, as per usual..."

Bad decided to lighten the mood, "Never mind him! Let's just get on with the video, guys! You're gonna go down, Dream!"

Dream laughs, "You're on."


When Dream moved Bad and himself out of Skeppy's channel, Skeppy facepalms and yells, "DID HE JUST SERIOUSLY- OH MY GOD! THE NERVE OF HIM, MY BRAIN!!"

Skeppy looked at his monitor, and sees he's the only one in the TeamSpeak channel.

Skeppy sighed irritably, "I might as well go record another video-"

Buddy joined your channel.

"Huh?" Skeppy said. "Oh, hey, A6D!"

A6D greets back, "Hey, Skeppy! Why are you here in a channel alone?"

"I was just talking to that annoying piece of sh*t BadBoyHalo." Skeppy answers.

"Oh. Why though?" A6D honestly wasn't surprised. Just like the Dream Team, he knew about Skeppy's and Bad's hate towards each other.

"Well," Skeppy starts explaining as he logs into his InvadedLands server. "I wanted to try and roast him again today, say that his server is trash and all that."

A6D logs into the InvadedLands server as well and flies around the spawn, "Bruh, that's so pointless in so many ways."

Skeppy exclaims, "I know!! But he just annoys me too much and I hate him!!"

A6D said, "I know you hate him, but talking to him is literally a waste of time!"

Skeppy huffs, "Ugh, whatever! Anyways, what kind of video you wanna do today, I'm bored."

A6D answered, "Well, I was just planning to play some Bed Wars today."

Skeppy thought that was a good idea. "Oh! Okay okay! Let's do that!"

Both sides of the battle decided to chill out for now. This is not when the rivalry ends, though.


(A/n: Okay, so uhh this isn't as long as the usual, but I agreed to myself that I'd do just at least 800 words instead of more than 1800 because I need to really focus on school and yeah-)

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