Chapter Thirteen

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A6D got back to Skeppy's house a few minutes later, Skeppy is eating some breakfast when he spots A6D, "Morning, A6D!"

"Good morning." A6D greets with a smile.

A6D sat down to eat some breakfast with him.

"Hey, Skeppy?" A6D said.

"Hmm?" Skeppy swallows a piece of his omelet.

"This is the same neighborhood you lived in when you were younger, right?" A6D asks to confirm.

"Yeah? How did you know that?" Skeppy asked before downing his glass of milk.

A6D answers, "Because Bad still lives here, I saw him just earlier."

Skeppy immediately spits out his milk back in his glass. "WHAT?! THAT BASTARD STILL LIVES HERE?!"

A6D went nervous and stammered, "Y-yeah."


"C-calm down, Skeppy!" A6D said nervously.

Meanwhile, Bad was walking back to his house from the park, and was about to enter his house when he heard loud shouting from the house next to his.

Judging from their voices, it's definitely A6D and his enemy Skeppy.

Bad frowns when he heard Skeppy's voice. So he really does live here after all.

He just tries to ignore them and enters his house.

Back inside the house, Skeppy was raging about the fact that Bad lives in the same neighborhood with him.

"Calm down, Skeppy, please!" A6D exclaims.

Soon, Skeppy calmed down, but he still seemed a bit angry. "Ugh, I can't believe this."

"Well, this makes it easier for you two to be friends again." A6D comments.

Skeppy sneers, "I'm not going to be f**king friends with that idiot."

"LANGUAGE!!" Bad screams from his house.

"HOW THE F**K CAN YOU EVEN HEAR ME, YOU PRICK?!" Skeppy screams back.


A6D facepalms, "Oh my god."


After screaming at Skeppy, Bad rolled his eyes and got back in his room, turned his computer on and checks TeamSpeak to see if the Dream Team is online.

He sees that they are all in a channel together. Bad joins the channel.

Buddy joined your channel.

"Hey guys!" Bad greets happily.

"Oh, hey Bad!" Sapnap greets back.

"What are you guys doing?" Bad asks.

"We're just chatting, waiting till A6D and Skeppy goes online." George answers.

"A6D wasn't active yesterday, I wonder why." Dream mentions.

"Oh, uh, he was probably in a plane from France to Florida." Bad assumes, remembering that he encountered A6D earlier.

"What makes you say that?" Dream asks.

"Oh, well, I met him just earlier." Bad answers.

"Wait, seriously?" George asks.

"Yeah. Apparently Skeppy moved back at this neighborhood at some point..." Bad mentioned.

"Wait, so you two are neighbors again?!" Sapnap exclaims.

"Yeah, pretty much." Bad sighs.

"Why did he move back?" George asks.

"I don't know." Bad admits.

"You two should meet up then!" Dream said.

"I don't wanna." Bad murmurs.

"Come on, Bad, you two need to be friends again." Sapnap urges.

"I don't want to be friends with him again." Bad refuses.

"I wanna try to fly over there and get them to be friends again, but I'm still conscious about showing my face to other people..." Dream said.

"In that case, then Sapnap and I should go!" George suggested.

"Hell yeah!" Sapnap agrees.

"Okay, fine." Bad sighs. "When are you guys coming over?"

"Hmm..." Sapnap suggests, "How about Tuesday? December 15?"

"Okay, sounds good." George nods.

"Guess I'll be all alone then." Dream jokes, putting Bad in a slightly better mood.

"Aww, it's okay, Dream." Bad giggles.

Bad then heard his doorbell ring. "Oh, I'll be right back, guys."

"Okay." Sapnap said.

Bad walked over to his front door downstairs, then opened it.

"Hey, Bad." A6D greeted.

"A6D? What are you doing here?" Bad asks.

Then Bad noticed, Skeppy is standing behind A6D, cheeks puffed with angry eyes.

It's been a long time since Skeppy and Bad had met face to face.

"And why did you bring Skeppy?" Bad asks arrogantly.

"I thought that we could invite you to hang out with us, ya know?" A6D suggests.

"No chance." Bad said immediately. "Not with Skeppy anyways."

"Please, Bad? I even took the time to drag Skeppy all the way here. I'll tell the Dream Team if you don't join us." A6D bargains.

"Oh my gosh, fine." Bad rolled his eyes. "Let me just change and tell them, they're on hold right now."

A6D nods, and Bad closed his door, then ran upstairs to his room.

"Hey guys, I'm gonna have to go for a while, I don't know how long." Bad said.

"Huh? Where are you gonna go?" George asks.

"A6D is forcing me to hang out with Skeppy." Bad mutters.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M FORCING?!" A6D yells from downstairs.

"Well, have fun then!" Dream said between chuckles.

"Yeah, see you, Bad." Sapnap nods.

"Bye Bad!" George said.

"Bye guys, I'll talk to you later." Bad said before leaving the call.


Bad turned his computer off and changed to his outdoor clothes, grabs his house keys and wallet, then goes downstairs to his front door again.

He opens it, and he sees A6D pulling on one of Skeppy's wrists, while Skeppy is attempting to run away.

"We're hanging out with Bad whether you like it or not, Skeppy!" A6D exclaims.

"NOOOOOOO!!" Skeppy yells, still not able to escape A6D's grip.

"I'm here, guys." Bad catches their attention.

"Hey, Bad." A6D greets, "Let's go?"

"Yeah, I guess." Bad sighed. "Where are we going?"


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