Chapter Twenty Two

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"Hey, Bad, I have something to tell you." Skeppy says to himself, facing his bathroom mirror.

"The thing is, I wanted to, uh..." Skeppy gulps, "I wanna be your friend again, you idiot!"

"Don't call him an idiot." A6D rolls his eyes. He's standing by the doorway, listening to Skeppy practicing.

"I'm sorry! I'm just so nervous!! Ugh!" Skeppy exclaimed.

"You're gonna do fine, Skep." A6D encourages.

"I don't even know what I wanna say exactly." Skeppy pouts.

"Maybe start with apologies?" A6D suggests.

Skeppy whines, then faces the mirror. "Hey, Bad, I wanna say sorry for everything, about the video from nine years ago, and for all the spams and insults, and also that one time I ate your dinner. Will you forgive me and be my friend again?"

"That's pretty good!" A6D compliments.

"No it wasn't!" Skeppy whines, "It doesn't sound apologetic enough!"

"I don't think Bad would care as long as you apologize." A6D shrugs.

"How would you know? You're not his friend!" Skeppy pouts.

"I kind of am?" A6D smiles nervously.

"Ugh..." Skeppy groans. "I can't do this..."

"You can, Skep. I believe in you." A6D pats his back.

"Okay..." Skeppy sighs. "Okay..."

"Do you want me to come with you when you're ready to talk to him?" A6D offers.

Skeppy thought about it for a while. But he shook his head and said, "That would be easier but... I need to do this alone."

"Okay." A6D said.


That night, after everyone had their dinners, Bad wanted to spend some time in the park.

"Hey, guys, I'll be out for only a little while. Look after Rat for me please?" Bad asks.

"Of course, Bad." George said, while Sapnap ruffled Rat's fur.

Bad changed his clothes in his room and grabs his keys and leaves the house.

Through the window, Skeppy and A6D saw Bad leave the house.

A6D said, "I'll ask Bad to come here so you won't have to walk with that broken leg, okay?"

"Okay..." Skeppy nodded.

"You ready?" A6D asks just in case.

"I'm ready..." Skeppy inhales.

"Okay." A6D nods as he leaves the house.

Bad sat down on the bench in the park, admiring the stars and the night sky above him.

"Bad?" Someone calls to him.

Bad looks behind him, and A6D stood there.

"Hey, A6D." Bad smiles.

A6D asks, "Can you go over to Skeppy's house?"

"Huh? Why?" Bad tilts his head.

"Please, Bad?" A6D pleads.

Bad couldn't say no, because that's just the kind of person he is. He sighed, "Okay, fine."

"Thank you." A6D cheers.

Bad stands up and asks, "How about you, though?"

"Oh, I'll be there in a sec, there's just something I wanna do." A6D lies, making up an excuse.

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