Chapter Twenty One

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The next morning, Skeppy and A6D returned back to Skeppy's house.

Bad, George, and Sapnap stayed behind in Bad's house to relax.

They had been updating Dream how they're doing, and right now they're in a call with him in Bad's TeamSpeak.

"Hey guys! It's been a while, hasn't it?" Dream greets, "So how are you guys doing?"

"We're doing great, Dream!" Bad said happily.

"Yeah, it's been good so far." George smiles.

"Good, good." Dream nods. "How did the sleepover go?"

"Oh." Sapnap muttered. "Well, there was a little conflict but it's all good now."

"Hmm, well, that's natural, especially since it's Skeppy. But it's good you guys are doing fine." Dream said.

"Yeah. Well, how about you, Dream? How are you?" Bad asks.

"Doing fine like the usual." Dream answers. "Just really bored right now, heheh."

"Why don't we play some Minecraft, then? George and I can set up our laptops." Sapnap suggests.

"Oh, sure. You guys can go set it up." Dream smiles.


A6D sets up his laptop, face camera, and microphone in Skeppy's guest room so he could play and record Minecraft with Skeppy.

"So what do you wanna play today, Skep?" A6D asks through TeamSpeak, "Bed Wars like the usual?"

"Uhm, I don't know..." Skeppy mumbled. "I'm actually feeling like our Hardcore Survival right now. We haven't played it in a long time..."

A6D agrees, "Oh, that's true. Okay, let's do that then."

Skeppy and A6D logs into their Hardcore SMP world, where they had built a giant wooden boat as their house on a river in the middle of a forest.

At nighttime, Skeppy is staying in the house while A6D is out fighting mobs to get loot and food.

A6D's shield broke while he's fighting a skeleton, as a result, he panics and runs away. "Oh shoot oh shoot."

"What?" Skeppy asks in a concerned but also in a slightly sad tone.

"My shield broke, hey Skep, can ya make me a new one over there and I'll come get it?" A6D asks.

"Sure..." Skeppy mumbles as he grabs an iron ingot and some wood from their chest.

A6D eventually made it back to the boat safely and Skeppy gave it to him.

"Thanks, Skep." A6D said.

"No prob..." Skeppy hums.

A6D notices Skeppy's quite depressed tone and asks, "Skep, you okay?"

"Whaddya mean?" Skeppy murmurs.

A6D said, "You sound a bit... gloomy there."

"It's nothing..." Skeppy lies.

A6D shook his head, his Minecraft character stepping close to Skeppy's. "Skep, I've known you for two years. You can tell me what's up."

Skeppy hesitated to say anything.

"Well..." Skeppy started. "Promise me you won't scream, or yell, or anything like that, okay?"

"Okay." A6D nodded.

"I..." Skeppy inhaled, "I want to talk to Bad..."

"Bad? Why?" A6D asks, wondering if what Skeppy was about to say is what he thinks it is.

"I wanna tell him that... I..." Skeppy groans, "Ugh, you're gonna laugh at me for this..."

"I won't,  I promise..." A6D said.

Skeppy takes a deep breath. Then he finally answers, "I want to make amends..."

"Amends...?" A6D trails off.

"I want to get back to him again." Skeppy sighed.

"You... so you don't hate him anymore?" A6D asks.

"Yeah..." Skeppy nods.

"You should definitely talk to him!" A6D said.

"No... no..." Skeppy whimpers.

"Skeppy?" A6D whispers.

Then, through A6D headset, he could hear Skeppy sob.

"Skeppy! Are you crying?!" A6D stands up. "I'm heading over there, okay?!"

"A6D-" Skeppy whimpers, but A6D removes his headset, logs off the SMP, and runs to Skeppy's room before he could hear any more.

A6D opens the door and sees Skeppy, in front of his desk but hunched over, kneeling on the floor and wiping the tears from his eyes.

"Skep..." A6D runs to his side and puts an arm around him. "Come on, sit on the bed."

A6D helps Skeppy to the bed, turning Skeppy's computer off.

He sits beside him, patting Skeppy's back.

"I can't talk to him... He hates me, he hates me..." Skeppy sobs.

"You have to talk to him, Skep." A6D urges.

"I can't... he wouldn't talk to me..." Skeppy shivers.

"How would you know?" A6D asks.

"I... I don't know. I'm just scared..." Skeppy mumbles.

"You don't even know if he still hates you or not! Just try talking to him." A6D said.

"And what if he won't talk to me...?" Skeppy asks.

"At least you'll know. Otherwise, you'll just regret not doing anything, and not ever knowing what he might say to you." A6D advised.

"I..." Skeppy stutters, "I-I hope you're right..."

A6D nods, "So... when do you wanna talk to him? Now?"

"I... I wanna just wait for a little bit... maybe someday, hopefully before the year ends..." Skeppy answered.

"Okay. And don't worry, I'm here to support you, okay?" A6D said positively.

"I know." Skeppy smiled a little. "Thank you, A6D."

"No prob, Skep." A6D smiles back.


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