Chapter Eighteen

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After taking that selfie and sending it to Dream in the GC, A6D and George decided to hang out for a little bit in the park before they eventually get back to Skeppy's and Bad's houses.

A6D opens the front door and goes inside, and Skeppy was sitting just nearby. "Oh, Skeppy."

Skeppy asked, "So uh... you've been hanging out with that... what's his name? GeorgeNotFound?"

A6D shrugs, "Yeah, got a problem with that?"

Skeppy sighs, "Not really, I mean, I can't tell you who to hang out with or not, I'm not your dad."

A6D nods, "I know but uh... despite that, would you like it or not?"

Skeppy shrugs, "I guess. I have no objections, it's just that he's that bastard's friend, you know?"

A6D sits down next to Skeppy and said, "I know he's Bad's friend. But you can't really drag us into your rivalry, ya know?"

Skeppy nods, "I know. Oh right... you guys... you apologized to me earlier, but you're not gonna give up trying to get me and Bad to get along, are you?"

A6D froze. Then he admitted, "Yeah, exactly."

Skeppy looks away and mumbled, "Okay..."

"Okay?" A6D repeated in his head. "That's all he has to say? He'd usually yell at me or something when it comes to talking about Bad..."


"I'm back, Bad!" George calls out as he enters Bad's house.

"Hey, George!" Bad greets brightly as he was stirring something in a pot on the stove.

"What are you making?" George asks as he removes his shoes to get comfortable.

"Just some chicken noodle soup." Bad answers, "Gotta make lots, since Sapnap will be arriving soon."

George nods, "Yeah, I can't wait till he gets here. It's too bad Dream can't join us, though."

Bad nods, "Yeah. Well, at least us three can still hang out!"

George smiles, "You're right."

Bad huffs and puts the lid over the pot. "Right, we just have to wait for a couple of minutes till this is ready. You wanna watch some YouTube?"

George said, "Sure."

They then went to the living room and Bad opened his phone and tapped on the YouTube icon. George sat beside him and looks over Bad's shoulder.

When YouTube opened up, the first thing that appeared on the screen was the thumbnail of one of Skeppy's Bed Wars videos. Seems like Bad was watching this earlier and forgot to close it.

"Oh-" Bad muttered before closing it.

However George saw it clearly and asked, "Bad, what were you watching?"

"It's- it's nothing!" Bad lies.

"Didn't look like nothing." George smirks.

"I- I swear it's nothing." Bad mutters.

However, George just snatches Bad's phone off his hands and runs away upstairs.

"GEORGE, YOU MUFFINHEAD!! GIVE ME BACK MY PHONE!" Bad screams, embarrassed if George would ever look at his recommended or liked videos and everything.

Bad chases after George upstairs, but George went into the guest room and locked the door before Bad could get in.


Meanwhile, George was looking through Bad's liked videos, watch-later videos, recommended, and downloaded videos.

George snickered when he found out that most of it was Skeppy's videos.

However, Bad isn't subscribed to Skeppy.

"Oh, Bad~" George grins, "So you're a fan of Skeppy after all?"

"I'M NOT A FAN- WHY WOULD I BE A FAN OF SKEPPY?!" Bad yells from the other side.

George chuckles as he unlocks the door and said, "Why don't you tell me? Your liked videos and everything has Skeppy."

Bad turns red with embarrassment, "I'M NOT A FAN OF SKEPPY, THAT'S JUST-"

Bad paused. He can't really refute this.

"Okay fine..." Bad mumbled, "I only watch his videos because they're entertaining and funny, okay?! It doesn't mean I'm a fan of him!"

"This is quite a lot of videos, though. You sure you're not a fan?" George smiles.


George laughed as he hands the phone back, "Fine, fine."

As Bad walked out, George snickered, following behind. "Yeah, you're totally a fan of him."

Then coincidentally, Bad's doorbell rang.

"Oh, I'll get that." Bad said as George sat down at the dining table.

Bad smiled the moment he saw who was standing there.

"Sapnap, you're here!" Bad cheers.

"Hey, Bad!" Sapnap greets happily and tackles Bad in a hug.

"How are you, Sapnap?" Bad hugs back.

"I'm good, my legs ache though, haha." Sapnap admits as he pulls back.

Bad helps bring Sapnap's bags upstairs, "Come upstairs in the guest room."

Sapnap walks in and sees George there, "Sapnap!"

"Hey, George!" Sapnap then tackles George into a hug.

After a while, Sapnap decided to go upstairs to have an hour long sleep before lunch is ready.

Bad and George both texted Dream and told him that Sapnap had arrived.

═══11:23 pm, December 15, 2020═══

speedrun god
yay the 3 hunters are now together


speedrun god


speedrun god



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