Chapter Four

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Skeppy was just lying down on his bed, bored as hell and had nothing to do. He just finished eating a sandwich but he is still bored.

He tries watching YouTube videos but that didn't ease him of his boredom either.

After that whole ordeal with Bad and Dream, Skeppy couldn't stop feeling pissed at Bad.

Skeppy rolls out of bed and crawls to his chair, sitting on it and checking TeamSpeak.

Seems like Bad and the Dream Team is offline. They finished recording.

Skeppy won't be insulting Bad anytime soon.


After finishing the manhunt, Bad decided to relax for a bit. He is honestly in a crappy mood right now because of Skeppy interfering with the video earlier, and calling him stuff like bald, noob, and idiot.

Bad checks the time on his phone, saying three thirty-seven PM.

Bad decided to go downstairs to his kitchen and get some snacks.

He opens the fridge, but there isn't much in it.

"I might as well do some grocery shopping today." He sighs as he closes his fridge.

He grabs some food for Rat and puts it in her bowl before ruffling her fur and saying with a smile, "I'll be out for only a few hours, be a good muffin, okay?"

Rat barks happily before munching on her food as Bad goes upstairs to his room to change.

He changes into his outdoor clothes, grabs his house keys, and locks his house up before walking to the grocery.

Once he arrives, Bad grabs a basket and walks around the grocery, getting food like raw chicken, gluten-free noodles, muffin mixes, and other stuff he could cook at home.

He pays with cash and walks out the grocery after receiving his receipt. 

He was just walking back home through the loud city.

Soon, he arrives at his quiet, peaceful neighborhood.

Bad was just passing by many homes. Soon, he spots one particular house.

It wasn't his, but he looks at it. He remembered a house like this very well.

Bad doesn't know who owns it currently, but he knew who it belonged to about fifteen years ago.

He sighed and continued his way to home.

About a few minutes later, Bad arrives home and keeps all his groceries in his kitchen. He went upstairs and decided to monitor his Minecraft server for the rest of the day.


A6D got back to his computer.

He opened his TeamSpeak to see if Skeppy is online, and he is.

A6D decided to text Skeppy.

═══8:43 pm, November 25, 2020═══

gtg sleep gnight

night brooo

═══4:39 pm, November 26, 2020═══

u still there?

wanna call?


Buddy joined your channel.

"Hey, Skeppy!" A6D greets.

"Hey, A6D!" Skeppy greets back. "I'm so bored right now haha."

"Whaddya wanna do?" A6D asks.

"I don't know! I guess we could talk for a bit." Skeppy suggests.

"Okay, so uhh, how has it been for you today?" A6D asks.

"Doing okay, I guess. I tried to roast that noob Bad again lol." Skeppy snickers.

A6D facepalms. "Bruh. You literally just did what I told you not to."

Skeppy exclaims while laughing, "I WAS BORED, I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!"

A6D sighed. "Why do you waste so much time on that guy?"

Skeppy answered, "Because I hate him and I enjoy making fun of him, besides, we have like the same amount of subscribers so I always try to top him!"

A6D asks, "Well, true. But y'know, GeorgeNotFound also has four mil like you and Bad, why don't you hate him?"

Skeppy said, "I hate him too! But I can't really mess with him because that green blob is his best friend and no one would wanna mess with him."

A6D was confused at first at who Skeppy was referring to but then he realized it's Dream.

"Bruh, Bad is also a friend of Dream's, you know?" A6D said.

Skeppy stayed silent. Then he gave a nervous laugh, "Oh, right! Heheh..."

"Is there another reason why you hate him?" A6D asks.

Skeppy ignored the question and asked with a sarcastic gasp, "Why do you care? Are you secretly a fan of my mortal enemy?!"

A6D answered, "Wha- no way. I'm just tired of you guys constantly throwing each other sh*t twenty-four seven."

Skeppy muttered, "Oh."

A6D raises a brow. "Well?"

Skeppy asks, "Well what?"

A6D asks, "Why else do you hate him?"

Skeppy stayed silent. Then he sighed, "I don't wanna talk about it."

A6D gasps, "So there IS something between you and him!"

Skeppy retches, "What?! No, there isn't!"

A6D yells, "YES THERE IS!!"

Skeppy jumps at his sudden loud voice and said, "AGH! A6D, too loud!"

A6D chuckles a bit. "Sorry, sorry. But seriously, though. Something happened between you and Bad, right?"

Skeppy sighs in defeat. "Fine, something happened. But I don't want to talk about it."

A6D nods. "Okay fine."

Then it got quiet.

A6D broke the silence a few seconds later. "So whaddya wanna do now?"

Skeppy suggested, "Wanna play Bed Wars 1v1?"

A6D laughs, "Alright then."


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