P. 2

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Everyday I look out into the sun setting over L'manburg. Not Manburg anymore, L'manburg. Sometimes it feels like such a privilege to govern a great country like this, with almost no problems.


I've never had the chance to apologize to Tommy. I want to, everyday I do. I don't really regret my decision however. I think that Tommy is a great friend to me, but he isn't worthy enough to be a vice president. But that's only on the government side of life. On my friendship, however, I want to talk to him every second. I always take out the compass of my chest, wondering if I should follow the trail to lead to Tommy. But I feel like I'm too much of a coward.

Even if I did visit him, what would I say? What would I do? What if he never forgave me? What if exile changed him so that he wouldn't remember me? I didn't know what Dream did with him out there, and every single day I wonder if he's still alive. What if Tommy can't survive in the wilderness? What if, he learned to live by himself? And he doesn't need me anymore?

Too many questions that still stay unanswered to this day. It's been a whole two months since I've seen Tommy, two whole months since we stood on the horrid obsidian wall. The wall is gone now, but it's shadows still haunt me to this day. 

I was going to Fundy's house to talk to him when I heard footsteps approaching behind me.

"Fundy?" I asked. I don't know why I asked that, he wasn't even online.

"Nope, Dream," a voice replied.

"Oh." I turned around and saw a man wearing a smile mask. Chunks of netherite armor covered his body, and he looked very buff compared to me.

"Hi," I greeted. I didn't know why he was here, I've never really talked to him much during my leisure time. "What's the occasion?"

"Well," Dream started. He sat across from me on the grass hill, looking into the vast sky. "Are you available tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I think so. Why is that?" I responded.

"Well, Tommy wants to see you."


"Does he?" I asked, unsure. I didn't know if this was some type of prank or something.

"Yeah, he's been feeling a bit down lately. I think that if he talks to you he'll maybe feel better. He does miss you, you know?"

Tommy, misses me? Clingy, bee-loving me? (I wasn't clingy) I never knew that Tommy could have feelings like that, but I went along with it.

"Has exile for him really been that boring?" I asked light heartily. 

"Kind of."

"Well in that case, sure. Is there a set time? Or should I just find him?" 

"You can go whenever."

"Alright," I confirmed.

Dream stood up, starting to leave. He stopped mid-track and looked at me.

"Be careful, he might be a little sensitive with his feelings."

Sensitive? Tommy being sensitive? I could never really imagine that. I guess I did kind of scar him by exiling him in front of almost all his friends, especially when I'm his best friend. I stayed on the hill, wondering what tomorrow would be like. I planned some things to say just so I wouldn't screw things up when I talked to him. Everything in my head played out fine, but it was hard since I didn't know how he would react when I got there.


Morning arrived pretty quickly. Way too quick if you asked me.

I was getting ready to head to the nether. I put on a coat just in case it was cold over there. I've never really seen where Tommy lived yet, and I didn't really want to be freezing if it was cold. Within a few minute, I departed L'manburg and stepped into the purple portal.

The walk on the obsidian bridge felt like days. Each step of the way made my heart pump faster and faster. My body doesn't react well to high stress situations, and I don't know why but I guess I consider talking to my 'long lost' best friend is a high stress situation.

My mind races through the possible scenarios that'll happen when I see him. Maybe he'll hate me. Maybe Dream tricked me. Maybe Tommy will get so sick of me and not want to be friends with me anymore. Personally, I really hoped that he would forgive me. It'd be so nice to visit him on a daily basis just to talk with him. But that's only assuming that everything goes well. 

Soon enough, I was looking up at the tall nether portal that led to Tommy. Without thinking, I stepped through. A whirl of color blinded my sight, then, I saw a forest.

 To my left was an interesting campsite that looked really aesthetically pleasing to the environment. I was standing on a path that led to another droopy place that looked like a tent and a few other things that I couldn't really see. My eyes wandered around the buildings. I admired every block that was placed, it seemed like a habitat that Tommy would like to live in. I walked inside the campsite to my left, seeing barrels of what looked like blue dye and a lot of random things that I didn't care about. In the corner of my vision, I could see a log with a bell on it. A moo scared me a little when I saw a mushroom cow looking at me. I tried to shush it for some reason, I guess my brain wasn't working too well. I headed inside the van to see a picture of L'manburg's christmas tree hanging on the wall. I admired it, even though I could see it in real life, the picture still showed a lot of the beauty. Then, I heard a voice behind me.

"Tubbo?" a voice croaked.

I whirled around to see Tommy sitting on a desk. His hair was messy, covered in soot. His iconic shirt was now dirty and ripped, revealing a little bit of skin. His pants were the dirtiest of them all, with mud stains here and there and dirt staining his revealed ankles. He was also missing a shoe for some reason.

"Uhhh, hi!" I tried to sound happy.

"What are you doing here?" he slightly mumbled. As I looked more into his eyes, I could see that the color was slightly drained of its original color of blue. How was this even possible, he's just living outside.

"Well, I heard that you were feeling down, so I decided to come and visit." 

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