P. 17

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"Dream, you massive son of a-" I start. I haven't seen him since I came back to life, but now here he was. Standing in front of me like a massive prick.

Instead, something completely different comes out of my mouth.

"Hi Dream!"

What the hell was this? Did I just become a nicer version of myself? But I was still aware of everything.

"You're, a ghost?" Dream asks, confused.

"Yeah maybe because you ruined my goddamn life, have you ever thought about that you ugly green man?" I shot at him.

I hear an echo of my voice, but it's words are completely different, and so was the tone.

"Yeah! It happened a few days ago, actually. Here, have some red, you can let out all your anger on these."

Something felt like it was being thrown out of my stomach. I see the items laying on the ground. They were pieces of red dye labeled "Tommy's red".

What was this hell hole I was living in? 

"But.. if your a ghost, then you won't have any use for the discs, and well if you don't even want the discs, then.." Dream started. He looked defeated at this point, and it filled me with the sense of accomplishment.

"Well, I do care about the discs. But I guess you won't even hear me say this anyways," I reply.

Of course, different words come out of my mouth. This time in a strangely cheerful tone.

"Yeah! What discs are you talking about? And how come you look really mad?"

I hear Dream curse under his breath as he enderpearls away. Just like that? We have L'manburg back? I guess I really was the backbone to this SMP when I was alive.

I look over at Tubbo. He's looking at me as well, along with every other person. 

"Hi Tubbo," I say to him. This time, my words don't get twisted.

"Hi," I get as a response. I can't blame him, I probably left him scarred after what happened all those days ago. But he doesn't know that I remember it. 

"How are you doing?" I ask shyly. My tone gets warped so it sounds like I'm much more cheerful than I really was.

"Well, I've been okay, I guess. Probably better now that Dream just left."

"Yeah, true, I don't know what Dream just did."

Silence fills the air for a few moments. 

"Well, I'm going to take Tommy on a tour around here because I"m sure he hasn't seen some of these things!" Ghostbur says.

In my mind, I think "whatever" since I feel like I know everything about L'manburg, but then again I haven't really had the chance to look around after I got exiled. So I follow Ghostbur and start to float away into the distance. 

We keep walking until we reach the end of L'manburg.

"Where are we going?" I ask. But nothing comes out of my ghostly mouth.

Soon enough, we reached nothing but ocean. Ghostbur gestures for me to swim down into the caves with me, and I follow, not knowing what he wanted to show me. When we got inside of a small cave, we go to a small pocket of air. As I look around, I realize that there's obsidian that covers the walls. There are a few chests and an enderchest that sit in the corner.

I look at Ghostbur, confused.

"What are we doing here?" I try to ask again.

This time, my words don't change. My tone doesn't either. It's the first time I've heard my voice be normal.

"Tommy, you remember everything don't you?" I hear Wilbur's panicked voice say.

"Yeah, why?" 

"Oh okay, I do too."

Ghostbur? Remembering everything?

"Wait.. so do your words get twisted too?" I ask.

He nods his head and looks at me.

"This is the only place that I've been able to feel like myself," Wilbur explains. "I put a few of my memories in here just to look back on them when I feel lonely. I was the only person who knew what was going on with ghosts until you came along because obviously, we're the only ghosts on the server."

I look around, noticing that the obsidian was probably to block out some ghost things. I really, still don't understand how being a ghost works. All I know is that my words get twisted apparently when I'm not in here and I just walk around the SMP.

I sit in the corner of the room, still looking at Wilbur.

"So being a ghost really isn't that good, is it?" I asked.

"Yeah. I tried warning you when you asked me before, but obviously it didn't work."

This was really sad if I'm going to be honest. I thought that ghosts really didn't remember much, but instead being a ghost is just another version of you, role playing someone happy and cheerful.

"This sucks," I say.

Wilbur laughs a little. "Preach."

"So what do you do on a daily basis?" I asked him.

"Well, I used to always try to find around my ghost barrier. You know, the thing that makes us say things that we don't. But nothing ever works. Don't get me wrong, I never really came up with the best ideas. I just try to lure them into the ocean cave, but it seems like the barrier has a mind of its own. It knows not to bring alive people to this cave and it hides all the secrets really really well." Wilbur said.

"But now, I just lost hope. We pay for our mistakes that we made when we were alive. I guess we could describe the barrier as a prison, but I don't like to think of it that way. But anyways, daily basis? Most of the time I'm in L'manburg watching other people, just catching up on what's happening. I mean there really isn't much else to do. Prison makes you watch things from a distance, and that's what we're doing now," he continued.

I look on the ground, still processing everything that he said. My life was just stalking people in L'manburg now? Stalking my friends? That's pretty boring.

"Well, I guess we can hang out more in this cave now and talk to each other. We're completely ourselves in here, and before you didn't have anyone. I guess you have me now," I say.

"Yeah," Wilbur responds. "Well, do you want to go back to L'manburg? I'm used to always watching them and I feel like I'm missing out the longer I stay here."

"Alright," I reply.

"Also," Wilbur starts. "You can turn invisible sometimes. I never really know when, but it usually just happens. That's why they might not acknowledge you all the time. But if you start to talk to them, I'm pretty sure you'll reappear again. I don't usually like to do that because I like lingering around them but just letting you know."

"That's.. weird."

"Everything's weird. Welcome to the ghost world, Tommy."

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