ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚𝟘

267 3 11

November  30th 2037
11:47 AM

Anastasia's POV:

"Mornin" Ayden mumbled as my eyes fluttered open

"Hi" I yawned as I slowly got out of the bed

"No cuddles?" He pouted

"Give me 3 minutes" I said as I went to go change my tampon. I washed my hands then practically threw myself onto the bed. After about half an hour Ayden spoke;

"Let's film for YouTube"

"Go ask someone else" I groaned as I slammed my face into my pillow

"Annnnnnnnna" Ayden laughed as he tried to pull me out of bed

"Get the fuck out" I groaned as I pulled the blanket over my head, only to have him rip it off

"Hmmmm, no" He said. From the way he said it, it sounded like he was holding back his laughter. Within a few seconds I was being picked up. Ayden threw me on his back and ran down the stairs where Hannah, Flash, Luke, Lily, Brady, Ethan and Ella we're sitting at the island watching Kayden and Savannah attempt to, well I'm not really sure what they're doing.

"What are they doing?" I asked Ella as I took a seat in her lap.

"Making pizza?" She questioned. Ayden had snuck behind Savannah and Kayden. He had thrown the both of them over his shoulder earning flour to the face, and all in his hair.

"ANA HELP!" He shrieked. I walked over to his aid, pulling the two 11 year olds off of him. I moved some hair out of his face so I could see his bright blue eyes. A cloud of white smoke clouded my vision.

"AYDEN REEVES!" I yelled as I smeared some tomato sauce across his cheek. Both my parents. Anthony and Jaden came into the kitchen.

"So Ness, what should we do about this?" My dad asked my mom, as she walked towards the flour.

"How bout" She began as she picked up a pile of flour.

"This" She finished as she threw it in my dad's face, causing all hell to break loose. Ethan was filming the whole thing as everyone threw flour into the air. Pizza sauce dripped from my hair since Ethan literally poured half a jar on my head. Bitch. This lasted for a good 20 minutes.

"That's it I'm gonna shower" I yelled as Brady threw a pepper at me, followed by My Dad and Ayden putting cheese on my head. As I was about to get in the shower the bathroom door opened.

"Hi" Ayden said.

"What'cha doinnn" He smiled.

"I'm gonna SHOWER" I said in a semi annoyed tone.

"Brady using my shower" Ayden bluntly said.

"Fine" I groaned as I moved out of the way.

"Only shower. No funny business" I sternly said to him.

"Yes Ma'am" He saluted. After our shower we had gotten dressed and ended up falling asleep in my bed.

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now