ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟙

583 10 1

March 18th 2026


"MUMMA!" Ana yelled as I stepped into the house

"hi my love" I said as I hugged her

"why didn't you come yesterday?" she asked

"I dont know" I replied

"we made dinner!" she said excitedly

"who's we?" I asked

"me and Ella and Auntie Vani and Uncle Anfony and Uncle Jaden" she stated

"come on!" she groaned

"coming" I called

"thank you baby" I said to Josh who carried in Savannah who was in a car seat

"anytime" he replied before he gave me a quick peck on the lips

"hey munchkin" I said in a baby voice to Savannah. I took her out of the carrier and carried her into the kitchen with Josh following after. across the island there was a bunch of stuff for tacos, and a bowl of spaghetti and to the left a bowl of mac and cheese

"where's Mads" I asked Jaden

"she's not feeling well" he said

"I wanna hold her" Avani squealed as she washed her hands

"Ant" she pouted looking down at Savannah

"no" he answered, causing the rest of us to laugh

"Elle, can you go get mama" Jaden laughed

"please" Avani continued to bug Ant

"let's eat at the dining table" Josh suggested

"Ana, go get Ayden and Ethan please" I asked, as she skipped out of the kitchen


"how are you guys such good cooks?" I asked as I put the dishes in the dish washer

"I don't know" they said in sync

"hey babe" I said as Mads entered the kitchen

"how you feel" I asked as I gave her a side hug

"fine, you?" she asked

"good" I said

"Ana, bedtime" I said as I checked the time

"but daddy and Aunty Livia let me stay up" she informed

"you have school tomorow" I told her

"hmpf" she huffed

"you too missy" Mads said to Ella

"let's go" I said as I picked up Ana


"Mads seems off" I said to Josh as he lied next to me

"you know, me, Ant and Avani have a conspiracy" he told me

"what is it?" I asked curiously

"we kinda think, Jaden and Mads fucked and now she's gonna have his kid" he said

"after Mads left to go see you, he came to the kitchen with a huge smile on his face" he added

"bigger than the one he had when he asked her out the first time" I asked

"way bigger" he informed

"and he said she was feeling sick" I said

"what time is it" I yawned

"10:30" he said

"it's so early" I yawned again

"well, you should go to bed" he told me

"no, it's not my bedtime" I said

"yeah, but you literally had a baby 2 days ago" he said

"fine" I huffed


"I'll go" Josh said as cries from the baby monitor filled the room

"no" I argued as I stood up. I rushed across the hall to the nursery with Josh following behind me

"no, no, don't cry baby" I told her as I rocked her in my arms 

"Ness, lemme take her. you go sleep" Josh said

"no it's fine" I said as I sat down in the arm chair


after Nessa sat in the armchair she continued to cradled her until the both of them fell asleep. Josh removed the sleeping baby from his wife's embrace, gave Savannah a kiss of the head before placing her in the cot. he then proceeded to pick up his wife bridal style and carried her back to their room where she slept peacefully

i didn't have any ideas

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now