ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟝

741 12 0

4 day timeskip


today we are having a party with everyone because Jaden is releasing a new song. it's currently 6:30 and everyone is coming at 7. I'm cleaning up the kitchen then Josh walked in

"hey baby what you doing" Josh asked as I put barbecue sauce in a huge bowl

"marinating the ribs, what does it look like" I laughed

"move lemme do it" he said

"no" I said

"yes" he said

"no" I argued

"no" he said

"yes" I said

"ha! move I won" he said, picking me up then placing me on the other side of him

"I wanna get back on TikTok" I said. this was something I had been thinking about alot

"you sure" he asked

"yeah" I said

"it's up to you" he said. while Josh marinated the ribs, I got out hotdogs, and burgers so they could defrost. I washed some lettuce and tomatoes, and a bunch of other vegetables and started cutting them, then layed them out nicely on a few plates. by the time I finnished it was 7:12. there was a knock on the door. I went to get it and it was Ryland

"hey Ness" he said giving me a hug

"RY RY" Ana yelled as she ran to the door

"hey kid" he said as he picked her up. Ana dragged Ryland to go play with her. I went upstairs to get changed and when I got back down a bunch of people were here. I found Cynthia and Lauren under some trees

"NESSIE" Lauren yelled as she ran up to give me a hug

"missed you" I said

"missed you too" she said

"ok give me like 5 minuets then I'll be back" I said. I found Kouvr and Mia beside the pool

"hello" Mia said as she gave me a hug

"missed you bub" Kouvr said

"MOMMY" Ana yelled as she came up to me

"yes" I answered

"I wanna swim" she said

"not by yourself" I said

"can Ry Ry come wif me" she asked

"go ask him" I said

"NESS" Calvin yelled from the other side of the backyard

"what's up" I asked as I walked over to him and Patrick

"we need you for a bit" Patrick said

"no, get someone else to do it" I said

"we want you to do it" Calvin said

"no" I said. we argued for 5 minuets when Ana came up to us

"UNCLE PATTY" she yelled as he hugged Patrick

"VINNY" she yelled as she hugged Calvin

"ha! your Vinny" Patrick laughed

"wanna go swim" she asked them

"cmon Calvin don't be slow" Patty said as he picked up Ana and started running towards the pool. soon after they left Amelie and Nick had gotten here

"AUNTY NESSA" McKenna yelled as she ran over to me

"KENNY" I yelled as I picked her up

"how are you" I asked her

"I is good" she said

"where Ana and Ella" she asked

"they are" I started as I looked around

"in the pool" I said. Nick and Amelie came up to me

"Janessa" Nick said with a straight face

"Nickolas" I said in the same tone. then Amelie, Nick and I craked up

"I think your daughter wants to go swimming" I said to Nick. Amelie got McKenna changed and I got plates out of the kitchen


𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now