ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟛

785 12 10

1 day timeskip


I woke up to muffled chatter in a room I didn't recognize

"Vani" Anthony said as I slowly opened my eyes

"wh-what happened" I asked

"you passed out bebe" he said. I winced from a sharp pain in my side

"aww what's wrong Vani" Amelie asked

"it hurts" I said

"Ams why am I here" I asked

"babe you passed out" she said

"when" I asked

"yesterday morning" Ant said. then someone who I assumed was the doctor came in

"ahh Ms. Reeves I see your up" the doctor said

AN-yup if i didn't mention they r married :)

"yeah I am" I answer

"so your probably wondering why you are here" the doctor said. I nodded

"well Ms. Reeves, while you were asleep, or a coma for a day, we ran some tests and discovered that you have appendices" he said

AN- think thats whats it called

"were gonna have to do a surgery to take out your appendix" he said. Anthony squeezed my hand, seeing that I tensed up

"if your ok with this were going to get you prepped for surgery and have it done by tonight at the latest" the doctor said and I nodded

"great we will get the surgery room ready" he said as he walked out

"it's gonna be ok babe" Amelie said as she hugged me. Ant rubbed circles on my hand and kissed my check. after a half hour they wheeled me into the surgery room

meanwhile at Josh, Nessa, Avani, Anthony & J's house

haven't done this in a bit

"NESS BABE CAN YOU GET THE DOOR" Josh yelled from the basement as the doorbell went off

"ON IT" I yelled back. I walked to the front door to see Mads standing there

"heyy" she said as she hugged me

"I missed you" I said

"missed you too" she said pulling away from the hug. we were talking in the living room when Jaden and Josh came down

"aye Mads" Jaden said as he gave her a hug

"aye" Josh said giving her a high five

"did she wake up yet" Mads asked

"yeah she did. Ant said they just took her for surgery" Josh said. not even a few seconds after there were little footsteps entering the room

"MOMMY" Ella yelled as she ran up to Mads

"hi baby how are you" Mads asked as she picked her up

"I'm good how are you" she asked

"I good" just then Ana walked in

"AUNTY MADS" she yelled

"hey Ana Banana" she said now holding both Anastasia and Ella

"when did you get here" Ella asked

"an hour ago" she said

3 hour timeskip

"mommy I hungry" Ethan said as him and Ayden ran into the kitchen

"me too" Ayden said

"we can go get McDonalds" Jaden said

"YES" Ayden and Ethan both yelled

"just get 4 happy meals, and what ever you want" Mads said

"aight" Josh said

"DON'T FORGET MY APPLE PIE" I yelled as they walked out the door

"I KNOW WHAT TO DO" Josh yelled back before closing the door. once they got back Ana and Ella came running into the kitchen, and Jaden went downstairs

"Ella where's Mads" I asked

"she's with Dada" Ella said, then Josh looked at me with a smirk on his face

"stop it" I said as I hit Josh in the arm. after 20 minuets they finished the food and Mads and Jaden came upstairs with very messy hair. then Josh walked out of the room to take a phone call and all the kids went to play

AN- so ima update regularly atleast twice a week if not every other day. i might update later today or tomorrow:)

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now