ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙 𝟞

495 11 5

October 13th 2026
3:47  AM


"baby cmon almost there" I chanted

"I-I ca-can't d-do i-it" she cried

"yes you can" I said

"can't I just go home and do this again tomorrow" she begged

"I'm afraid not hun" the nurse said


crying filled the room. my beautiful son was finally here

"Jay" she cried

"I-I can-t bre-ath" she cried

"sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" the doctor ordered

"what's happening" I asked

"there are complications" the doctor said

"now sir I need you to please leave" the doctor said


It's been 20 minutes


40 minutes


50 minutes and all I've done is cry. I call Josh


my phone started to buz, I check the time it reads 4:54 AM

"hello" I answer

"Josh" Jaden said, it sounded like he was crying

"what's wrong, are you crying" I asked

"there wa-as a-a com-complication" he cried

"they d-didn't say what was wrong" he cried

"when did this happen" I asked

"like a hour ag-ago" he berated

"listen I'll be there in like 30 minutes" I said

"hang in there" I said before hanging up

"shush" Nessa groaned as she put a finger up to my lip

"where you going" she whined

"the hospital, something happened and Jaden is there by himself, sorta" I explained

"wait what" she jumped up from her sleep

"go to bed, if I'm not back by 8 I'll call" I said

"love you" I whispered as I kissed her on the head. and she was already asleep


"Jay" I said as I hugged him

"everything is gonna be ok" I told him

"what i-if it's not" he cried into my shoulder

"all we can do is pray" I told


2 hours had passed and Jaden and I prayed. he cried a few times, now it's almost 6:30

"Mr. Hossler" the nurse called ushering for him to follow her


"Jay" I pouted as he walked into the room

"baby" he cooed. the doctor and nurses had left the room

"Mads look" he smiled

"we have a son" he cooed as he took him from my arms

"you have any name ideas" I asked him

"what ever we pick can he have your brothers name as his middle name" he pouted

"Kaden" I said

"beautiful" he said

"Kaden Dakota Hossler" I said



he threw me onto the bed, we were roughly making out. his tongue slid across my lip into my mouth. with 2 seconds my shirt was off

"Josh" I said as I pulled away

"why'd you stop" he whined

"Ana, she could throw the door open any second now" I reminded

"fine" I groaned as she sat on the bed



soooo took a while for me to update. hehe. sorry to tell u but this is the last update of the kids as kids. next chapter they will be teenagers (accept for Savannah & Kaden) my question is do you ship Anastasia & Ayden?

𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now