ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟟

446 6 11

October 31st 2037
3:52 PM

Anastasia's POV:
tonight Ayden, Ethan, Ella and I are going to a bonfire with Brady.

"baby you ready" Ayden asked
from my bed

"almost" I replied as I finished my makeup

"yo" Ethan yelled as him and Ella came into my room. Ethan had started taking pictures of us for NO reason. rude.

"let's go" I said as I hopped on Ayden's back, he carried me down the stairs, and when we got to the bottom my dad and Anthony were laughing at us

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"let's go" I said as I hopped on Ayden's back, he carried me down the stairs, and when we got to the bottom my dad and Anthony were laughing at us

hi, your probably wondering what's going on. My name is Anastasia Elizabeth Richards, I'm now 16 and I'm dating my best friend Ayden. yes, Ayden Reeves, the guy I grew up with, and have lived with my whole life

"ok, picture time!" my dad called

"why" I groaned

"because, pictures are important" Anthony said

"nope bye!" I exclaimed as I rushed out the door. I ran to the garage with my keys, so I could drive or atleast have shotgun. Ethan and I share a white BMW X3

"do we have to take your car?" Ella groaned as she got in shotgun

"you want one of those idiots driving?" I questioned as I pointed to Ethan and Ayden who had gotten into the car

"never mind" she said

"where is the bonfire place" I asked

"gate of hell" Ethan said

"finally I get to go there" I smiled

after driving for 30 minuets we arrived

"we're here" I sang as I hopped out of the car

"let's go" I yelled at Ethan who was still in the car. we got to the place and Brady, Lilyana, Luke and Flash were already there

"finally your here" Lily exclaimed as she hugged both Ella and I

"how'd you guys get here?" Ayden asked

"none of you have a license" I added

"Brady drove" Flash laughed

"what" Ethan laughed as he high fived Brady

"what" Ethan laughed as he high fived Brady

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𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗴𝗲𝗻, josh richardsWhere stories live. Discover now