ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟡

612 11 4

March 15th 2026


as Josh and I were watching Vampire Diaries, a shooting pain in my stomach hit for like the 10th time that night. as I got up I felt something run down my leg

"JOSH" I shrieked from the pain

"Nessa, baby what happened?" he asked standing up to my aid. I winced again due to another pain in my stomach

"baby, I'm taking you to the hospital" he said as he made his way over to the closest, to put on a shirt and get my bag. he grabbed my phone, along with his own, then helped me to the elevator. we got down to his car and he helped me in

"baby breathe" he said as I winced from another contraction. he held my hand while he dialed a number. now I was freaking out, with Ethan I had C-section, due to a car crash, and with Ana they didn't even tell me what happened, they just put me on the operation table. by now my breathing was much heavier

"everything will be alright" he reassured me as the phone began to ring. after 4 rings whoever he was calling picked up

"what the fuck Josh" the voice of the one and only Olivia Richards said

"I'm still jet-lag, it's 2:30 in Canada" she whined

"listen Livia, Ness is gonna have the baby. were driving to the hospital, and I need you to watch Ana and Ethan when they wake up" he said

"k, bye drive safe. love you Ness" she said

"love you too" I cried

"what about me" Josh whined

"I still hate you" she said before hanging up

shortly after that we arrived at the hospital. I got a room only after 5 minutes

hours past, and now it was 9 in the morning, the whole night was spent in pain and now, I have Josh here coaching me threw this

"Nessa, baby, you can do this just breathe" he said

"I hate you" I cried as I threw my head back onto the very uncomfortable hospital pillow

"I know baby" Josh said as he kissed my hand

"I see a head" the doctor said, excitedly

"Jo-hsh" I whimpered, and he squeezed my hand reassuring me everything would be ok

"can't we just do this tomorow" I cried, asking my doctor

"I'm afraid not hun" my doctor answered. this went on for another 10 minuets until the delivery room was filled with the crying

"she's beautiful" I said as the doctor passed me my daughter

"just like her mom" Josh said kissing my head

"I'll give you two some time alone" my doctor said before she left

"Livia's calling" Josh said as his phone went off

"pick up" I said

"where's Ness" was the first thing I heared

"she's over here" Josh said, holding the phone in front of me

"aww she's so cute" Liv cooed in reaction to Savannah

"Livia, can you hang up the phone and get your ass over here" I said

"no cussing in front of the baby" Josh implied

"right, sorry. anyways bring Ana and Ethan if their up" I yawned

"k bye, love you" she said

"love you too" I said, then she hang up

"knock knock" my doctor said as she opened the door

"so do we have a name for the little princess" she asked

"actually yes" Josh said

"Savannah Rose Richards" I said

"so cute!" she squealed

"when your ready, I just need you to fill these out" she said handing me birth certificates. she left and I looked down at Savannah who was cradled on. my chest

"baby don't cry" Josh said wiping tears from my face, that I didn't realize I had

"happy tears dummy" I said playfully slapping him in the arm

"happy tears dummy" I said playfully slapping him in the arm

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@nessa.private- welcome to the world my darling Savannah Rose Richards born Monday, March 16th, 2026 9:13 am

liked by: @joshrichards @calvingoldby @cynthiaparkerrrr and 93 others

@pattyrichards- adorable!
↪️@nessa.private- 💖💖💖

@k0uvr- omw to come kidnap her
↪️@nessa.private- k

@sarahgraysun- im coming over
↪️@nessa.private- yay!
↪️@joshrichards- dont let the demon near my daughter
↪️@sarahgraysun- im not sharing my gogurts😠
↪️@joshrichards- fine u can come. only if u bring me gogurts

@thechristopherromero- bring her to play w/the chickens!
↪️@nessa.private- i dont want my daughter getting beat up by a bunch wack ass chickens

@miahaywardd- so cute!!!
↪️@nessa.private- 💖

@_brookesanchez- im buying a plane ticket to LA rn
↪️@nessa.private- please do!

@hannahbarrett- beautiful just like her mumma!
↪️@nessa.private- love u mumma💖💖💖

@oliviarichardz- damn my niece boutta make me act up🥵
↪️@nessa.private- 🤣🤣🤣

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"knock knock" a familiar voice said. the door opened to reveal Mia, Kouvr, Alex, Calvin and Patrick

"we brought presents" Patty sang

"no presents" I protested

"yes presents" Kouvr argued

"I wanna hold het" Calvin whined

"I know, I know, wash your hands" Calvin said mocking me

anyways its 1am. figurd id update


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